Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A week ago Thursday, I was reading more on Natural Dog Training and Lee Charles Kelley.

I'm not exactly sure this was the first time I did it. But Kimo was barking around at the side of the house. Usually I would go to the side of the house and carefully edge in front of him to claim his space. But this time I decided to softly tug on the chain and say "come" in a playful voice. And to my surprise, he came.

Later I tried just saying come without tugging and he came (at least it worked a couple of times). Then on the front steps, I just tried going past him and saying come as I walked down the steps and that worked a few times. And when it didn't work, a soft tug on the chain accompanied by the come worked.

Unfortunately this was also the day that he bit me. (As I basked in my first success, I just sat on the cement with him lying down behind me.) I'm not sure but I'm guessing he might have nodded off when he heard the bark and woke up and bit my hand. I'm not sure because I wasn't looking. I guess I need to keep my eye on him at all times especially if he's lying down. It seems he can nod off really quickly. (And get up even quicker :(

[4/25 am - looking through my logs I see that on 4/19, I did the come while he was barking at the fence at the front of the garage. I walked passed him toward the laundry room and told him to come. And he did. I guess that's good.]

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