Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jojo and Koa

Barking early in the morning (Keith followed by Kimo in the back -- who slept in the back for the first time in quite a while).

Yep, it's Jojo. Wait, isn't that Koa? It's both of them!

I went out with them and after a while Jojo's running around with Koa chasing him. The odd thing was that Jojo was growling while he was running away. They weren't attacking each other though since after the run, Jojo would stop to sniff something and Koa would go next to him and sniff too.

Anyway, I took out Kimo and walked up the street, Koa went up Mamo's driveway with Jojo following him, but then Jojo showed up without Koa. Saw Eddy coming out. So that's why Koa was out. Koa is probably staying with him downstairs instead of being tied up.

Jojo ran home.

But then he came back later. So WTH, decided to take out Jojo and Kimo and catch up with Harriet. And on the way, Gerald drops off Hershey. (Sorry Fifi, not today.)

So Kimo got to walk twice this morning.

Friday, December 23, 2011

walking Joey and Fifi

since the big fight, I haven't really walked Fifi much.

Actually I only took her out once with Koa, but left Joey at home.

The first time I tried to walk Joey and Fifi, I looped Joey on the water faucet and went down to get Fifi. When I came up with Fifi, Fifi started acting up. Kimo noticed from in the house and came out. And we walked Fifi and Joey to the beginning of the street and back. No incidents, but Kimo would correct Fifi whenever she came near me.

The next time was a few days ago (Tuesday) and I was out with Joey, Jojo, and Hershey (I let Kimo rest at home). Then here came Ann with Mochi and Kimo with Fifi. So I decided to walk with them.

It went pretty well, though Kimo would again correct Fifi when she wandered toward me. Then RMAS came out and they went the other way as we were toward the beginning of the street. Joey acted up a bit (like he wanted to go after them) as we caught up and Miki reacted back. But then we passed with no problems.


Then this afternoon, Amy was walking on our street. And around the same time, Jojo came to visit. So I decided to take Joey and Jojo out. As we went up the street, big Koa was loose. He saw us and came out on the street. Went to sniff Joey and I let him. But I turned Jojo loose since in the past, Koa chased Jojo. But this time the granddaughter(?) and Stephen were there and called Koa back.

Amy was down the street and I took Joey and Jojo to the stonewall. Fifi was her usual excited self. And Joey seemed fine (mouth slightly open with tongue out).

So WTH. I went to get Fifi. I took off Jojo's leash and instead of tying Joey to the waterfaucet I held the leash and went do the steps to Fifi. Joey didn't really fight going down as I thought he might and still seemed relaxed.

I didn't want to take Fifi out until she calmed down and was more under control. That took a little while, seemed like maybe 8 or 10 minutes, before Fifi calmed down a bit. And I leashed her up and we made out way up the steps. Joey seemed OK and we hit the road.

Walked for a while with Fifi on the right and Joey on the left. Caught up with Amy and walked with her. Then saw Stanley coming and walked with him. Near the beginning of the street, the Cheungs were coming home in their car. I ducked to Betty's driveway, but Jojo stayed on the street. They slowed down and waved to Stanley and didn't say anything (not sure what Melinda is thinking of Jojo and me these days).

Then I walked back with Stanley. And coming back switched back to Amy. Amy went home and I decided to take them to Betty/Flo's yard. Jojo was running around trying to get Fifi to chase her. And she complied.

Then things got a little iffy. Joey tried to wiggle under the upper gate. And I had to grab the leash to stop him. Then Fifi came over to sniff Joey's butt. And Joey seemed to get a little tense. It seemed there was a little tension between them. And so I stepped in between them to break the tension.

And I took them back out to walk home. No incidents going back, though I think Joey was keeping an eye on Fifi once in a while

I let Joey go when we got back and he went up the steps. Seems like he's a little scared of Fifi. And around then, Jojo ran home.

Took Kimo out with Fifi for a little bit, but Joey stayed up on the steps. Saw Pat's friend (I keep forgetting her name) and Pat up. So I took Kimo home and went up with Fifi to meet them.

And after that I went to take Fifi home. Stephen was still jogging so I decided to job with him down the street with Fifi. But that was it for me at the end of the street and we walked back. Took Fifi home. Went slow down the steps. Settled her down, then she went to drink her water.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

quick advice

Top 12 behavioral problems in dogs

Kimo's eye

was full of mucous and practically swollen shut this morning.

There was some mucous yesterday and I sort of cleaned it up and hoped that it would get better.

It looks worse this morning. I cleaned it up some more. If it doesn't get better, it may be vet time.

Maybe it got infected with all the bad weather and him sleeping in the mud?


eye infection?


The eye looked better the next day, but I took Kimo to the vet in the afternoon. Backing up, I smashed the backcorner of Donna's car :(

The diagnosis was that he had an infection. The aide held Kimo in the crook of her arm as the Dr. Kamiya examined him. He seemed a little scared but didn't resist much. Weight still about 19-1/2 pounds.

Turned out he had an infection and got prescribed eye drops (Ofloxacin) and some antibiotics (Clavamox).

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Cesar Millan's Mastering Leadership

After shelling out over $100 for Cesar's Mastering Leadership series (on ebay), I was somewhat disappointed. Pretty much all of it is covered in his TV show, though obviously not organized as it was in this series. And some other parts are other trainers using what seems to be like more old school methods.

Plus now I see the series on youtube.

1 - People Training For Dogs
2 - Becoming a Pack Leader
3 - Your New Dog First Day and Beyond
4 - Sit and Stay the Cesar Way
5 - Common Canine Misbehaviors
6 - Raising the Perfect Puppy

But I don't really regret buying the series. At least I know what it is now. Plus I got at a discount and got some other goodies thrown in as well. Plus, the videos will probably get taken off of youtube after a while (you notice number 5 is missing -- could be it was uploaded and taken down).


[6/2/12] Yep, the above links no longer available due to a copyright claim by Cesar Millan, Inc.  However I do see there's a another link [uploaded 10/2/11] of People Training for Dogs.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Joey under the fence

took Joey for a walk solo, visited Koa for a little while, but didn't take him for walk in case mom wanted to go church

made Target waffles for her and took her to church, for a change Joey didn't run down and jump in the car

Jojo shows up, take them to Fong's backyard and dig a few weeds since I'm there. At one point, Joey is full on chasing Jojo. But that wasn't enough as a little later, Jojo is running around back and forth crazily like Kimo occasionally does.

Come up and toss poop in trash. Meanwhile Joey and Jojo wander to Pat's house.

I hear dogs barking. Joey and Jojo were under Pat's house barking at the floor, while Keith is barking through the floor at them.

Go to get them. There's Jojo, but where's Joey. Damn, he went to the other side again. And JoJo squeezes under the fence to join him.

OK, hop fence. There's Jojo, but where's Joey now?

Damn, can't find him.

Look around. Talk a lady. Then see a guy with some kids sitting down and ask him. He gets my number.

Look around some more with Jojo apparently looking too. See one boy looking.

Finally, there he is, not far from where I lost him.

Go up to find the guy. A girl sees me and apparently recognizes that I found the dog. And I tell the guy I found him and thanks for looking.

Take dogs home via Chung's.

Joey is full of little green balls on his fur. Pull them off.

Leave Joey and Jojo in front.

Hear Keith barking. It's Jojo loose.

Don't let him back in.

But then I later hear some whining in the back. It's Jojo in back with Kimo.

Take Joey in back with them.

And use toilet. And write this up...

That's not all. Decide to take Kimo and Joey in front. Dogs act up. It's Pat taking out Keith at the same time. Joey nips Kimo in the excitement (trying to calm him down). I know he got him because I see some white fur in Joey's mouth.

Take Kimo and Joey up the road with Jojo sort of following. Keith is sort of pulling Pat up the road with the flexi-leash. Kimo keeps looking back at Keith.

Finally turn around by the rock. And Keith had turned around by them.

Now Kimo and Joey are in the front and Jojo went home..

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Horse Whisperer

is of course a famous movie starring Robert Redford (which I have yet to see -- one of these days).

But evidently there are a lot of Horse Whisperers (and dog whisperers too).

Pat Parelli was the one featured in one of the Dog Whisperer episodes.

Monty Roberts was the one who inspired Jan Fennell, the Dog Listener.

But the one who inspired the Horse Whisperer movie (and book) was Buck Brannaman who is the subject of a new documentary entitled "Buck" (clip).

[1/31/12] Article in the November 2011 Costco Connection.

"Horses don't think the same as humans. Something that's most unique about the horse, that I love, is not what he possesses, but what he doesn't possess. And that is greed, spite, hate, jealousy, envy, prejudice. The horse doesn't possess any of those things. If you think about people, the least desirable people to be around usually possess some or all of those things. And the way God made the hourse, he left that out.

"By the time you've had a relationship with a horse for a while, there are characteristics in the way the horse behaves with you that are directly [related] to some of your traits as a human being, whether it's insecurity or aggression or fear or hate."

"There are so many things that don't mesh well with the horse, and some of the more negative traits, that's the reason people get in trouble with the horse. Yet at the same time, there are some real good traits in human beings ... they many not know much about horses, but the horse will have an afinity for 'em and have a great feel for that person with some of the more positive traits."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Joey quiet today

Joey was back for another day and was really quiet today (Thursday).

Jojo came in the morning and I took them to Fong's backyard to sniff around but then I closed the gate on Jojo to encourage him to go home (since Melinda had complained he was pooping on her yard and was going to call the Humane Society. And I had gone to talk to Henry, but it didn't seem to me that he was that concerned or even cognizant. Hey the guy's 90 years ago -- though still in pretty good shape.)

Anyway, it was kind of an overcast/rainy day and I left Kimo in the back (who was also quiet) and Joey in the front.

Joey mostly lied around on the pillow near the door and didn't even move much when Aunty Laura and Uncle Wilfred came to visit.

I did take him out briefly when I noticed Hershey was outside in the afternoon and took them to Fong's back yard.

Maybe he was quiet because he was by himself and felt he didn't have to bark for Kimo?

[posted 12/2]