Friday, May 29, 2009

runny poop again

Noticed Kimo's poop has been getting runny again, so decided to call the vet.

Took a poop sample over and it turned out he has the same thing as last time.

Anyway, he got the same meds, so I figured it's the same.

Plus he also has this digestion pill which is new.

Take half-a-pill twice a day. Gave him with the pill pocket. May need to buy more pill pockets.

[6/8/09] Kimo's poop is good now. Called vet to follow-up and the guy (vet sr.?) said if his poop is OK, then don't need to come. But later he called back after consulting and said since Kimo's problem was recurring might be better to bring another poop sample. Asked vet what Kimo has and he said Campylobactor.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

a walk w/ RMS

Kimo didn't want to walk (lied down when I went to get him) and I didn't want to force him. So I took Hershey out by himself.

Reina (and Miki and Shammy) was out talking with Charlotte (I think I recall). So I decided to stop and walk with them. Last time, Amy told me to go ahead, but Reina didn't protest and the dogs seemed OK with it. No news is good news so RMS seem pretty much OK. The only thing is that Miki had a doggie root canal.


The next day I took Kimo out and Amy was out taking out the trash container. I followed her down the driveway and checked out the work as Roy was getting his stonewall repaired. Looked like some patching. I guess they patched back the rocks that were getting loose. I approached the gate with Kimo. Kimo was especially interested in going to the gate and what was a little surprising was that Miki kind of backed off the gate as we were approaching.

[5/28, posted 5/30am]

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The intelligence of dogs

I was looking up the Siberian Husky breed and came across this link to the Intelligence of Dogs.

The most intelligent are

1. Border Collie
2. Poodle
3. German Shepherd
4. Golden Retriever
5. Doberman Pinscher
6. Shetland Sheepdog
7. Labrador Retriever
8. Papillon
9. Rottweiler
10. Australian Cattle Dog

I was surprised to find that the Shih Tzu, Beagle, Basenji are toward the bottom. Japanese Spitz (or German Spitz or American Eskimo) not mentioned. But the Pomeranian is fairly high.

But sometimes being intelligent is not necessarily a good thing. Maybe Kimo is intelligent after all.

nipped in the nose

Took Kimo out with Hershey. Saw small brownish dog at Makanani. I remember a few weeks back there was a friendly dog at Makanani which Kimo sniffed. But this time, they sniffed and the dog nipped Kimo in the nose. Kimo was startled and pulled back and growled a bit. But didn't go wild. Noticed a small drop of blood on nose (which is how I know he got bit).

A couple of houses down, the old brown dog which usually comes to the gate just lay down as he saw us coming. And across the street, the dogs which usually bark at us were pretty mellow this time and one of the dogs was whining liked he/she wanted to come out to us (or have us come to him).

When I got home, I hosed his nose a little and let him drink from the hose. And dabbed it with a little bactine. He's sleeping by the front door now.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Dog Day Morning

Memorial Day

Decided to take Kimo riding. Went to Cathy's mom's house. Saw Cathy's car but wasn't sure if I wanted to wake her. Finally parked a few houses away and took Kimo out. The neighborhood dogs started to bark and there were a lot of dogs. There were three small white dogs across the street that I don't remember before. A couple of brownish/black dogs (don't really remember). And Spider and Indy were going at it full force.

Took Kimo around the block and on the way back, saw Cathy's mom outside and then Cathy came out. Took Kimo in the garage as the dogs continued barking. Then fed Spider and Indy through the fence as Kimo sat down mostly with his back to them. They were still kind of barking but would pause to eat. Mostly Indy as Spider would come to the gate, take some food, then back away.

Cathy finally quieted them down by sprinkling water on Indy and showing Spider the rolled up paper.

As I left, the white dogs were gone. The only dog not barking was a Husky looking at us through at the corner of a fence. Hmm. Maybe Husky's are friendly because there's a friendly one on Judd. There was a big dog at a gate. Might be a mastiff. Kimo went up to the gate but the dog barked or growled and Kimo backed off.

Off to Donna's house. I was going to head to the backyward, but saw Christie coming out. So I let Kimo loose and he ran in the house. I think Timmy and Mars got kind of scared and Donna grabbed his leash and led him back outside. And Christie petted him for a little while.

They were off to the airport and I took Kimo around the block. Saw Wellington outside with a couple of guys looking at his sprinkler system. Let Kimo sniff him and he turned around and pet him (I was watching to see if Kimo would stiffen but he seemed OK.)

Continuing on, Kimo charged the driveway at the house he doesn't like on Nehoa. I calmed him down and walked him back and forth and he seemed better.

Off to Pauoa where I saw a couple of Japanese Spitz's (looked like JS anyway) a month or so ago. This time the dogs weren't in the yard. Maybe they were inside sleeping. So I walked around a bit. And when I got back to my car parked at the park, I heard a dog barking at us. It turned out to be a Japanese Spitz tied in the yard. Later a loose Husky came over and they sniffed before running off. I sat down and was kind of hoping the Husky would come over to us, but he just ran up the street.

Then to 7-11 to use one of my coupons. Unfortunately there were not shady spots. So I had to park in the sun. Got a hot dog and Mountain Blast and when I came up Kimo was sitting on the floor of the car.

Took him home and gave him water and a cube of ice. I think he's tired.

[5/25, posted 5/26]

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Simon Says

dog vs. kids playing Simon Says

[via raynette]

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dogwalkers, etc.

Erin Gerwig is a go-getter, as shown by how quickly she moved up through the ranks when she worked for Voyager Submarines. Now she is running a successful business that takes care of pets for customers who typically are either away on vacation or putting in long hours at their jobs.

Mark Coleman: How long have you been running Dogwalkers etc!, and what was your inspiration for starting it?

Erin Gerwig: I started it by myself in June of 2001. The inspiration was that I was working as a boat captain for a tourist company that shut down and let all its employees go. So basically I was left without a job, but I saw it as an opportunity to create something for myself, so I could be my own boss. And, you know, I've always loved animals -- that's always totally been a part of my life. Also, dog-walking, pet-sitting was starting to catch on on the mainland -- I'm originally from the D.C. area -- but it wasn't in Hawaii, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bow wow boarders

Inuki, a 1-year-old Shiba Inu, was so anxious about staying home alone when both her owners were at work that she would chew up books and magazines and leave a trail of teeth marks on the walls.

It was a problem, until she became a regular at doggie day care.

While popular on the mainland, the niche for doggie day care businesses in Hawaii is just beginning to grow as more dog owners -- or dog parents -- seek the service while they are away at work.

down Skyline

Kimo was lying down in the front and I figured it was time to walk. The leash was under his feet but I gently tugged it anyway. He charged, I blocked with my arm (I was sitting on the step) and he (fairly) quickly came to his senses.

took Kimo and Hershey out. Koa's owner was going out to golf. Big Koa was behind his gate and Koa was looking from inside the house behind the screen door.

went to Lolena Place then Skyline and decided to go down Skyline. Toward the bottom of the hill, there was a bunch of dogs barking down the driveway behind the gate. It looked like around 6 or 8 beagles and another bigger dog.

A couple of beagles looked like they were fighting when they got excited. And one of the beagles was fighting with the big dog. The "fights" didn't last too long. And it didn't look like there was much damage. Soon enough, an older Japanese (looked like) man came out. He didn't look that cheerful to me. Maybe he breeds beagles?

Proceeded to Houghtailing, then to Naio. Around the bend, a couple of friendly looking dogs started barking (they didn't look too friendly when they were barking though). Soon joined by another neighbor dog. A lady looked from the door.

Continue on.

Then a small dog was barking on the right (makai) side. I edged Kimo closer and the dog backed away but eventually came back and sniffed. Hershey seemed hesitant but came over to the gate, but I don't remember them sniffing. Then we were off and the dog resumed barking.

Back up Maalaea, then up Hillcrest and Makanani. Back through the construction. To the gate with the old brown dog. I noticed he's actually darkish brown with white spots, not black. The dog was lying down but came to the gate. Kimo wasn't eager to go to the gate, but eventually he edged to the gate and they sniffed.

On the way back, the HandiVan dropped off Betty. Kimo came to her and she petted him (though I was watching). Hershey sat down on the side, but at least he didn't howl or growl at her.


more barking

Writing this on Ubuntu on Arlene's computer

was barking last night to go poop, but i don't think anything came out, only air

then barked at paper guy this morning at 3:40AM, but quickly moved away from ewa gate when he saw me coming

barked to go poop this morning about 6:30AM. I took him to the ewa side, but he went to the gate. Doesn't want to poop in backyard. Pooped some on the ewa side. Then some on the DH side. Then ran and jumped the stonewall and went into Pat's shed.

Went to front steps. Stayed with him to see his reaction to Cheung's car. Didn't bark at Malia's neighbor's car. Didn't bark at Herbie's car. And sure enough, barked at Cheung's car. Pulled him back quickly. Got the side-eye from daughter and mother.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


While browsing through podcasts on itunes (trying to troubleshoot ipod connection to computer) yesterday, noticed The Dog Trainer at

I listened to the barking episode and it made sense to me.

It actually is easier to listen via the website rather via itunes. Though I guess you can save it in itunes should the website ever go away.

Monday, May 18, 2009

friendly cat

took Kimo out since he was running back and forth (it turns out Keith was out with Pat).

Went up the street and sat in front of Tanabe house. There was some barking from Petey (I assume) at us plus Herbie was out playing football with his son.

There was a black and white cat at Ito's. I thought it might have been Musubi, but then the other black and white cat came sauntering over and sat down by us next to Kimo. I think the cat might be romantically interested in Kimo. I watched and held the leash just in case but no problems.

Pat saw us sitting with the cat and seemed amused.

[5/18, posted 5/19]

more dog encounters

took Kimo out early and walked a little with mom.

up the street, big Koa was barking. Since the garage was empty, I took Kimo inside. They sniffed, and I made them sit for treats. Kimo growled and I made him lie down.

Then Brit came walking with Rudy and Blue. Make Kimo lie down. Brit remarks they don't have to move after all.

As BRB headed back, I decided to take Kimo down the Miyamoto driveway. Well, he kind of decided for me. He wanted to go into the garage as he must have remembered the treats he used to get there. Miki and Shammy were by the gate, but not much reaction.

Went to get Hershey and saw Koa by the gate. But didn't see him as we came back.

Reina was coming out with Miki and Shammy. I stopped to let them go first. But she wanted me to go first.

Kimo acted up passing by. But he fairly quickly snapped out of it. Gave his head a few tugs forward as he kept wanting to look back.

Head out to Makanani and Aulii. The friendly Jack Russell was loose. I kind of paused and the Jack Russell came out to greet the dogs. They sniffed. And Hershey postured.

On the way back, we greeted the old black dog by the gate.

[5/18, posted 5/19]

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Koa and the old dog

[Sun 5/17, posted 5/19]

took Kimo out, see RMS coming
Koa comes to gat, take Koa for walk too
Lolena - see little terrier out in yard (usually at door barking)
Makanani, Aulii, Puna, Makanani
old black dog comes to gate. dogs sniff w/ no incidents

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

hold on

Took Kimo out since big Koa was being walked and Keith and Kimo were barking.

Then Pat took Keith out. I decided to take him up the sidewalk. As Pat and Keith came up, I held Kimo kneeling between him and the road. He breathed heavy but didn't go wild. Progress?

Later at Charlotte's place, I saw a UPS truck coming. I forced Kimo to lie down, but he panicked as the truck came back and forced his way up.

I'll call the score 1 to 1.

[5/13, posted 5/14]

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hershey eats a doughnut

took Kimo and Hershey to Lolena Place. Hershey was sniffing at the house at the beginning of the street and found a doughnut. He is not easily discouraged from eating and it was soon devoured.

(The next day, Wednesday, he found some bread on Hala Drive and ate that. Let's just see he has a nose for food.)

Tue [5/12, posted 5/14]

Thursday, May 7, 2009

peace to the jogger

After taking Kimo and Hershey to the park, I took the dogs home.

The jogger came running by and Kimo didn't bark. I wasn't sure that he wouldn't bark as the jogger made his return trip, but was pretty sure that Hershey would. I took a chance and went over to Hershey who was still on the steps and distracted him with treats as the jogger came back. Kimo didn't bark. And Hershey was successfully distracted. Only Keith barked, but it seemed milder than usual.

The peace didn't last too long though. As a lady with a big dog came walking by. I had Kimo lie down but he didn't want to go on his side. So I put additional pressure and he squealed a bit as he went on his side. It turned out to be an American Mastiff (as I asked her as she went by). Hershey howled.

More howling in the afternoon as Hershey howled at the two neighborhoods girls from up the street.

[Thu 5/7, posted 5/8]

Afghanistan's pig

KABUL (AFP) – Afghanistan's only known pig has been taken off display at Kabul Zoo and locked away to avoid panic among visitors who may be worried about swine flu, the zoo's director said Wednesday.

"We put the pig temporarily in his winter house under quarantine because of swine influenza," director Aziz Gul Saqib told AFP.

"Most people don't have much knowledge about swine influenza and seeing a pig, they panic that they will be infected.

"Just to address our visitors' concerns, we have put the pig away from public view for the past two days," he said.

The interned animal -- known simply as "Pig" -- was one of two given to Afghanistan by China in 2002, months after the ouster of the hardline Taliban regime, to help reestablish the zoo after it was destroyed during civil war.

However, the other pig -- and their offspring -- were killed in an attack by a bear.

Despite being the only pig, it was not too lonely, Saqib said.

"The pig made friends with a goat and was happy sticking to the goat in the enclosure, where some other goats and deer were on show for visitors," Saqib said.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gayle and her gang

I took Kimo out since Keith was out. I went out to Makanani, Skyview, Hillcreast, Kamalii.

Going back I saw Gayle and her gang entering our street and decided to join her. She seemed to want to pet Kimo but I discouraged her. I mentioned that I see her on twitter, but she didn't remember how/why she added me. Kimo was going OK, but Nacho must have sent a message and he went briefly wild. After he calmed down, Gayle mentioned that I might want to muzzle him (maybe because I said he's bitten a lot of people in the past) or socialize him at a place like Ohana Day Care. I said he didn't like the muzzle and would paw it off and that I'm not worried for myself (when he gets wild) but for other people.

Continuing on, big Koa was being walked (by the big guy and the small boy trailing). And there was a slight commotion (acting up) as they crossed paths. She kept telling them to focus.

Anyway, I stopped and sat down by the storm drain as Gayle paused by Keith's house as he was barking and then proceeded up to Malia's house where Petey and Chloe were barking. She took out Gizmo briefly and I remarked that he's smaller than the other one (Puppy). She said he's 5 pounds, but used to be 10. He still has a young face and looks happy riding in the carriage.

I started walking back with them but she told me to go ahead. Another one who doesn't want to walk with Kimo. I proceeded and turned around as big Koa came walking back down and followed them back (the boy on the scooter fell but got right back up). OK bye bye doggies.

[Wed 5/6, posted 5/8]