Thursday, July 30, 2009

separate walks

I was going to walk Kimo, but he signalled that he didn't want to go by running in his house.

So I took Hershey out instead.

Then when I came back, I tried again and he ran back in again. But eventually he didn't run in and I took him for a short walk.

In the afternoon, after finally seeing Star Trek I took him out again and noticed the black tip of his ear was gone. I guess it was a scab after all. Now his ear looks close to normal.

[Thu 7/30, posted 7/31]

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

adopting 30,000 horses

Thousands of wild mustangs have lived for decades on federal land, protected by the government and sustained by allocations to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). But now the BLM says the program—w hich had a budget of $36 million last year—is overwhelmed, and the horses are in danger.

Since mustangs have virtually no natural predators, herds will double every four years if left unchecked. To prevent overpopulation, the BLM removes thousands of the horses from the wild each year and seeks to place them in adoptive homes. But adoption rates have declined by 36% since the 1990s, leaving thousands of homeless horses in temporary facilities at government expense. Without an influx of new money, the BLM may have to begin killing horses with no adoption potential or selling off horses for possible slaughter.

* * *

Madeleine Pickens, wife of oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens, is an animal lover. As a horse breeder and a philanthropist, she has always considered that people must be responsible for the care of animals.

Wild horses, which date back to the time of the Spanish conquistadors, roam free on federal land in 10 western states and share that land with herds of cattle. To ensure that there is enough food for both wild horses and domestic cows, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management thins the herds, keeping the mustangs to about 27,000. They round up the rest and auction them off.

Recently, the land available to the horses has been drastically reduced by 19 million acres, so the government has had to round up more and more mustangs. Now, 33,000 horses live in holding pens, each horse costing $1,500 a year to feed. By law, if they can't be auctioned or adopted, they are to be slaughtered.

Faced with the prospect of losing these animals, Pickens took action, announcing that she would adopt the 33,000 wild horses that are in captivity.

Pickens said she is in negotiations to buy about 1 million acres for her wild mustang sanctuary in the West, a land mass slightly larger than Rhode Island. And it will be a place where anyone can go and see these wild horses running wild. She would not say where exactly.

"I think a lot of people would love the opportunity to go and see what America's really like, to see our true heritage, which is the wild horses," she said. "Once the horses are installed, families will be able to pull up in the RVs. We'll have hopefully log cabins, little hotels. Children will sit outside and have bonfires."

Pickens plans to have the sanctuary open within the next year.

"I can't wait for the day that the first horse is turned loose and you'll just see him kick his heals up and gallop away with this herd together," she said. "It's going to be so beautiful."

For more information on Madeleine Picken's project, visit her Web site:

[via CoachJuneJones (football coach of the SMU Mustangs)]

*** [12/15/13] watched Wild Horse, Wild Ride on Netflix.  Recommended

a lucky 100 horses a year get trained and adopted.  One was adopted and became the SMU mascot.

another trip to the park

After two days of not walking, due to drizzles, I finally took Kimo and Hershey out again. And decided to take them to the park too.

Since my old Corolla is dead, I had to take them in the other Corolla. Kimo jumped in readily, but Hershey didn't want to go in. Probably because he's scared of Kimo. So I took Kimo out and then had Hershey go in. It was still a bit of a struggle but eventually he went in.

The park was empty when we got there and both dogs went sniffing around mostly on their separate ways. After a while, Kimo went climbing up the hill. There was a guy walking at the top of the hill. And Kimo barked at the guy.

Then a big guy brought a little black dog. Kimo went over to sniff and the dog kind of pushily sniffed back. Kimo jumped back and growled but there was no follow up aggression. Hershey initiated play and they chased for a little while. But the black dog seemed more interested in the tennis ball on the ground.

I tried to get them running by showing them food and trying to get them to chase me. But they didn't run consistently. Mostly a fast walk. However at one point, Kimo broke into a run and circled us widely a couple of times.

* * *

When I got home, I took the little mouse to Nuuanu Pali Road and set him free.

[Wed 7/29, posted 7/30]

Monday, July 27, 2009

Kimo and the bee

Kimo was going after something in his doghouse this morning. It was one of those big black bees. I tried to block him with a broom, but it didn't slow him down much.

Finally I lured him out of the house with some jerky. Blocked him from going back in and removed and tossed the bee.

[Mon 7/27 a.m.]

[Friday 7/30 a.m.] Kimo goes after another bee in his house. I swept the bee into the plants in the back but Kimo was still pursuing. Then I got the rake out and touched him on the side to try to block him. He paused momentarily but continued his search. (At least he didn't go wild at the rake.) Finally the bee popped out on to the grass and I raked it up and tossed it over the fence.

Then I took him for his walk. Hershey wasn't here today, but I took him up Puna anyway. It was quiet for a change, no dogs barking. Only the pitbull made a little noise as we came back down. No sign of the white and brown dogs. And the brown spotted dog was lying down in his house looking at us and not bothering to come out.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Indy and Spider go for walk

I was going to help in Kari's move so I decided to take Kimo out for a ride (does that make any sense?)

I headed to Makiki and turned up to look at the intersection where Butchy says the gangs hide out. But the hedge is actually sort of on a wall and gate. Hmmm.

Then I passed the park where I saw a lady in a hat with a big dog. I thought it might be Momi so I parked a little down the street and walk Kimo up. They were leaving when I was coming up and she motioned for me to come since she thought we were pausing because of her big dog (actually it was more Kimo sniffing and peeing). But it turned out not to be Momi and they drove off.

Since I was there I walked Kimo up by the pumping station and around. Then we sort of ran back. Not really in great control, but better control than most times in the past.

Then we went to Donna's house. As we came to the back, Donna opened the door. And Kimo went up on her. Donna put a little screen barrier to block the walkway on the side of the garage and Kimo kind of wandered around in the brush and sniffed. In the meantime we did a little weeding.

Then I took Kimo home and went to buy some sushi and pizza.

There was still time, so I decided to go to Cathy's mom's place to visit Spider and Indy. It was quiet when I drove into the driveway, but soon enough the barking began as I went to the back gate. Then somewhat surprisingly the barking subsided as I brought out the jerky. Indy readily went for it, but Spider was kind of cautious. So Indy wound up with most of the treats.

Then Cathy leashed up Spider so I wouldn't get bitten again and I treated them inside the gate. Then I wanted to take them for a walk. Indy didn't want to get leashed, so I told Cathy to put the treat on the other side of choke chain loop and Indy popped her head right through.

Then we went for a walk. At first I was going to walk them both, but decided to take Indy and Cathy took Spider (and a watergun). Indy was kind of acting on the choke chain and Cathy thought I might have been choking her. But it was more her struggling on the choke chain. And I made sure that the chain was high up by her jaw so it wouldn't choke her throat. Indy settled down a bit, but Spider was lagging behind. So I went to get him, but the choke chain high up high and walk them both.

Indy still struggled a little and I put them both on my left side with Spider on the outside. And they walked better that way though they were still a little active and ahead of me. Coming down a hill I saw a girl bringing her dog into the house. I thought they might act up at the sight of the dog, but I don't think they saw the dog and so they didn't.

Coming back, I let Indy in the gate and left Spider just outside the gate with me. That way I could treat both of them without Spider taking the food. Plus get Spider more used to me since he was under control with the leash.

Then I brought out the rawhide bones. Spider took it somewhere in the back and came back. In the meantime, Indy was chewing on her bone and snarled off Spider when he wanted to come take it. I went looking in the back for Spider's bone. But Cathy said he already ate it. I found that hard to believe since Kimo takes like a month to finish his bone.

I tried going back out the gate then back in. Spider still barked but less intensely.

Well, we'll see next time.

[Sun 7/26, posted 7/27]

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hachiko (and other dog movies)

TOKYO (AP) - Richard Gere stars in a Hollywood remake of Japan's long-cherished story of Hachiko, a faithful dog that died at a train station waiting for its master. But "Hachi: A Dog's Story" is more about the dog than about Gere, the 59-year-old actor said Wednesday.

"On this movie, I was definitely second-class," he told reporters at a Tokyo hotel.

The movie premiered in the U.S. at the Seattle International Film Festival in June, and opens in Japan in August.

The story of Hachiko [ is a legend among Japanese, a pet-loving nation that honors self-sacrificing loyalty.

Hachiko, the story goes, always used to wait at Shibuya train station for its master, a professor at the University of Tokyo.

Even after the professor died, the dog waited every day at the station for a decade, until it died in 1935.

People were so moved they built a statue of Hachiko at the station, which remains a popular rendezvous spot for Japanese today.

*** [12/29/13]

Hachi is currently on Netflix.  Another Japanese dog movie is Quill: the life of a guide dog.  Another happy/sad movie.  And more movies like Hachi.

And be sure to check out the 100 dog movies reviewed by crox.  (Well, maybe not.)

Christie joins the walk

Christie is coming over in the morning because she doesn't want to stay home after the house was robbed on Monday.

I went to take Kimo out and asked her if she wanted to come walking too. But she wanted to sleep. But then at the last minute she joined us.

So I told her to take Kimo and I took Hershey.

We walked pretty well and we went to Makanani and up Skyline. I decided to go up Puna to see if we could see the white pom. As we went up, a lady pushing a carriage with a small shit tzu (I think) trailed us for a little while. But we pressed on as I wasn't sure how Kimo would react.

Kimo was panting as we came back, and he didn't stop to lick himself or pee so much. So I'd say it was a successful walk.

[Thu 7/23, posted 7/25]

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

still a work in progress

Kimo is definitely better but isn't there year and needs constant work.

He was lying on the front steps and I wanted him to get up and tugged his leash up. He didn't want to move and growled and went a little violent. I persisted and finally got him up but he wasn't too willing. So I got him down to the landing brought him back up and tried again. He still wasn't too happy but got up with less protest.

Then I thought, how would I feel if I was lying down and somebody just comes by and pulls me up with a rope around my neck? Still he's not supposed to get all wild.

[Wed 7/22, posted 7/23]

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kimo and Melinda

I don't know if it's Kimo or me. But Kimo reacts to Melinda. Maybe it's her.

On Thursday, I took Kimo and Hershey up the street and was waiting by Yokomoto driveway as Petey was barking. Melinda came home. I wasn't watching her, but Kimo went wild as she drove in her driveway. He redirected to Hershey and I pulled the leash up to catch him.

Then on Sunday, Kimo was in the front and I heard him barking. Melinda had stopped at the top of the hill and he was barking at her (or the car or both). I came out and she didn't look at me as she continued on her way. At least I couldn't tell as she had her welder's mask on. One of her daughters was in the car too and she kind of glanced at me or Kimo I think.

[Sun 7/19, posted 7/20]

Friday, July 17, 2009

leash under the door

Kimo still reacts (attacks) when the leash is moved under his feet and he's not looking.

One way to try to train him out of this (Sort of like training bite-inhibition) is to trigger the reaction and try not to get bit.

What I did today was to put his leash under the security door and slightly move it when he's not looking at me. I tried it a couple time and he noticed it but didn't get up to attack or anything.

Maybe it's working. Or maybe I was just too far out of range to be processed as a threat.

[Fri 7/17, posted 7/19]

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hershey and the malamute

Decided to take Kimo and Hershey to the dog park even though it was starting to drizzle.

When I got there, the park was empty and there was no drizzle.

Soon after we entered, a couple came with a biggish dog.

Kimo went up to him (I knew he was a he because I saw him pee on the fence when he came in). And they sniffed before Kimo walked away.

Then Hershey came up and did his play bow. And away they went. (Video on my camera which will hopefully be linked here)

This happened for several sessions. But later Hershey started to get too excited and went up to hump him. So I went over to break it up. But he kind of got off before I had to touch him.

I thought the dog might be a huskie, but it turned out the dog was a malamute 7 months old.

As we left, there was a summer fun program on the basketball court rehearsing Heal The World.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kimo jumps on Ann

Took Kimo out in the morning.

Kimo was going home with Fifi and Ann was coming back with Mochi. Mochi didn't seem too friendly to Kimo. But Kimo jumped on Ann and Ann pet him with no incident. However Kimo growled and snapped a little at Mochi as he came closer.

So I guess he's attracted to Ann. But not sure about Mochi.

[Sun 7/12, posted 7/13]

[7/13] Kimo seems to be somewhat friendly toward some people as he seemed to want to go up to Gerald as he dropped off Hershey.

Friday, July 10, 2009

a squeal and a bite

Kimo sensed Keith and started his wild routine. I took him up the front and up the steps.

He acted up as they came back and I grabbed him. But I guess I had the wrong angle or put too much pressure and he squealed and went down to the ground.

Some minutes later he was lying down and I lightly pulled his leash which was under his legs. He jumped and attacked me. I put my arm up (I was sitting down). He jumped on me (because I can feel it a little bit in my shoulder), bit my hand and scratched my leg. I stayed in this defensive posture and after a few moments, he came to his senses and I had him lie down next to me which he did readily.

The major damage was to the back of my hand where you can see the mark. But actually he barely broke the skin.

Don't know if the squealing was related to the attack. Hope not.

In any case, two things to watch for. Try to be more gentle grabbing him. But it's hard to be precise when he's in a high state of tension and energy. And be careful pulling the leash under his legs when he's not looking.

Come to think of it, maybe he was still in somewhat elevated state of excitement from the squeal.

[Fri 7/10, posted 7/11]

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hershey on the run

I went out a little late since it was raining. Hershey was on the steps but went down as I went up with Kimo with the morning paper.

Hershey seemed in a playful mood. I let them loose to run and Hershey ran to the side of the house. But he did come when I knelt down and told him to come.

They chased some more. Hershey went down and Kimo went on top of him but didn't seem aggressive. I took Kimo off and had him lie down. Then we went for our walk.

Decided to go to the park. It was drizzling but as it let up, I took them to the volleyball court. No chasing this time, but I did make them run/walk for food. Also I saw a piece of cord on the fence and I used it to try to repair some of the cut gate.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kimo behaves and doesn't

Took Kimo in front to poop/pee, but then he went up the front steps. Guess he doesn't want to walk. Skip it.

That afternoon in the back, Kimo started acting up running back and forth. He sensed Keith out with Pat. Took him in front and had my hand on the back of his neck (lightly). He was composed with no outburst.

But then later he barked and reacted when he saw Pat coming out in the front yard to pick up poop.

Later that evening, he heard him barking a bit wildly. I went out and saw Melissa turn around with Rudy and Blue. Evidently she didn't want to deal with it.

I took Kimo out the gate and he started pulling me up the street. Seems like he was in tracking mode going after R&B. We went to beginning of the street (Koa was outside on a rope. When I went to pet him, I saw Eddie was out with him. Maybe he tied him up when R&B passed.) Then after we reached the end, we turned and Kimo walked mostly nicely back home. Though Keith barked when we passed in front.

[Wed 7/8, posted 7/9]

Monday, July 6, 2009

Keith doesn't go wild

took Kimo out front to poop and he ran up the side and jumped the wall. I knew where he was heading but he made it up Keith's steps anyway. Kimo was barking at the door but surprisingly Keith just looked outside and didn't bark.

After getting Kimo calmed down, we went for our walk and Mrs. Tsutsui was outside. She brought out Hershey and we went up the street.

As we got to the beginning of the street, Max was barking. Di brought him out for a brief interaction. Hershey stayed down by the street like he was shying away from Kai.

I was curious how they Kimo and Keith would do in the afternoon. Unfortunately there seemed to be little change as Kimo had a couple of outbursts and Keith responded in kind.

[7/6, posted 7/7]

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth of July

Took Kimo out, RMS was out.

Kimo seemed relatively calm so I followed slowly at a distance. Or was it Kimo following slowly as he was sniffing the side.

As they came back, I held Kimo and there was no (or little) problem.

In the late afternoon, I decided to sweep the back and clean out the dog house. And put his pillow in the house. And trim some branches.

That evening, there were periodic fireworks. Keith kept barking and barking. While Kimo went into his house and was lying on his pillow.

[7/4, posted 7/7]

Friday, July 3, 2009

Koa goes to the vet

Koa had tapeworm. I tried to get some medicine for him again, but they said since he was due for an exam I had to bring him in.

I got there and opened the door. But somehow the leash had come off over his head and Koa ran loose outside. But I went to the vet door, opened the door, and Koa went in. There was a person in there with an old Corgi mix and she held him in case of trouble.

Koa didn't want to go on the scale so I had to take him on and block him from going off. He was around 32 pounds if I remember. (Now I see 33.5 pounds on the invoice.)

Finally it was time to go in. There was no glimmer of recognition from Gleason, so I said "you don't recognize me." I'm guessing he wasn't sure, so he didn't want to say anything.

He got a booster shot and nose drops. And his partner combed him for fleas and found some. I asked where I could get a comb like that and they said they sell it. Didn't know that.

He still wasn't sure about the cause of Koa's nose condition, but it didn't seem to be getting worse. So he suggested to ease off the prednisone to every three days instead of every other day and see how it goes.

Then for the bill. $166.22! $37.45 for the exam. $19.95 for the fecal exam. $42.75 for the heartworm test, $5.75 blood processing fee, $15.85 for bordetella/parainfluenza booster shot. $21.00 for the Drontal Plus. $15.99 for the comb.

That's more than I pay for myself in medical bills. Maybe I'll take him to Kamiya next time. But I don't know how much he charges either. Well, I'll save the invoice in case I decide to take him there next time.

[Fri 7/3, posted 7/4]

Thursday, July 2, 2009

petting Kimo

Pat took out Keith, so I took Kimo out. Mr. Yokomoto was out, so I went walking with him.

He reached back to pet Kimo and I was apprehensive. He kind of touched him on the top of his head and no adverse reaction. Maybe I shouldn't have let do that.

In any case, maybe he's getting better. Now I'm less careful petting Kimo. I used to always go from the side. But now sometimes I reach over his head from the front (or at least not from the side) and maybe he's getting used to it.

* * *

On the other hand, the Sills door was open and Kimo acted up passing by. At first I thought it was Kona. But later I saw Kona in the back. So maybe it's a cat or something. Or the association of Kona.

[Thu 7/2, posted 7/3]

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

under control?

Took Kimo and Hershey out. Lately Kimo doesn't really want to go up the street and I have to encourage (tug) him up the street.

After we get to the top of the hill, he's better (in the sense that he doesn't want to turn back as much).

As we proceeded down the street, Reina Miki and Shammy were coming. I stopped and waited at a distance. Kimo seemed more in control though he was still breathing fast on occasion. As they ambled down the street, I followed in slow pursuit. Kimo seemed to dilly-dally. He was sniffing the side, but I suspect he was in no hurry to close the gap.

As they started to come back, we went a little up the driveway and I held Kimo as they pass. There was a glimmer of a coming outburst but it never really happened and they passed without an outward incident.

On to Lolena Place, Kamalii, Skyline, Makanani. As we neared the big white and brown dogs, a guy was across the street walking his small white and brown dog. The dog was acting up and he jabbed him in the neck and downed him on the ground. The dog was on his back for a while until he let him up and continued on. Obviously a Dog Whisperer watcher.