Saturday, April 26, 2008

staying positive

I remember both Cesar and Silverman saying that you should end the session with success.

I'm trying to do this with the come. Kimo barked a couple of times, but came readily. I coaxed him back to the area between the chair and doghouse. And when he said, I praised and petted him somewhat lavishly. The hope is that he'll come more and more readily despite stronger stimuli (like Keith outside).

I guess that made us feel good. Temporarily anyway.

Later on, I took Kimo out and saw Keith and Pat coming out. We were coming down and I left the leash loose so Kimo could lead. He went to the driveway and into the garage. So I took him to the back of the garage and waited until Keith passed.

Then we went up the hill toward Melinda's place and stayed at a distance as Pat walked Keith (or vice-versa). After Keith finished, I slowly led him back with no problem.

All seemed well, but then Nalu's mom (I think that's his mom) came walking with Nalu's son. And Koa came loose again. Come to think of it, the Sakuda kids were out with David. All of them led to barking. But Pat let Keith bark, while I tried to quiet Kimo.

Press on.

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