Friday, April 25, 2008

Kimo and Paco

Kimo generally doesn't like cats and barks at them when they come in range of the house. But he gets along with Paco. Or maybe it's vice-versa. Paco is used to dogs because since he's lived with Mochi and Fifi since he was a kitten.

Paco comes up to Kimo and headbutts his chest which is kind of a funny sight to see. Then he lies down and Kimo smells him. There was that one time that Paco started pawing him too much and Kimo went after him. But that was the only time and Paco came back the next time with no fear. (He does seem to know not to come around when I have Hershey with me.) I pull Kimo away after a little while just in case. But I think once or twice, I just left the leash loose and he or Paco just would walk away after a little while.

The other cat Kimo seems to get along with is a fat cat that lives at Max's house. This cat doesn't come to him, but doesn't run away when Kimo comes to him. I've let him go over and sniff a couple of times.

Kimo is kind of neutral to Katherine's cat. He usually passes by without much reaction. Though once in a while, he seems to kind of want to go after him/her. Hershey is another story. He doesn't react well to cats (though he seems to be getting better with Paco). And when Hershey reacts (usually by howling), Kimo sometimes gets wild.

Other than those, Kimo doesn't like cats. Though there was the time when he was barking at a cat lying on the stonewall at Pat's place. After I calmed him down, he seemed to tolerate the cat even though the cat just lay there for quite a while.

Lately there's been a cat behind the fence on AOP's side. Kimo don't like that and sometimes would go up on the hothouse slab. A couple of times, mom would clap to try to scare the cat away. But the only one who got scared was Kimo and he went a bit wild both times.

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