Monday, April 28, 2008


This (Sunday) morning Keith was barking at something and naturally Kimo had to join in. So I went in the front and looked and saw Koa up the road, heading home.

I grabbed the leash and went up the road, he kind of paused when he saw me. But then proceeded on his way.

When I took Kimo for his morning walk, not long after, Koa was in his neighbor's yard which is partially fenced in. I managed to coax him close enough to put the leash on him. All the while, Kimo kept his distance. He didn't act friendly, but at least he wasn't barking and growling at him.

The idea was to walk them together to get them used to each other. Kimo walked about normally, though maybe a little more tense due to the unfamiliar situation. Koa was kind of pulling and I tugged and released numerous time to only very short success.

Coming back, the pulling was a little more pronounced. I think he wanted to go home. When he got to his house, I stopped on the driveway and noticed that Koa's tail was between his legs. So he was fearful of the whole situation. I kind of straightend out his tail and took off the leash. Koa went to the front door but couldn't get in. Then he went to the fence that he usually goes under. But it's like now he couldn't fit under. So he went back to the door and I opened it to let him in. Kimo was pretty much a bystander with all this and he went along with it with no incident as I could tell.

On the way back, I stopped by Big Koa. He gets excited when he sees me and jumps up on the fence. I had the Big Bonz treat (or whatever you call it). So I got him to sit down and tried to make him stay and calm down before I would give it to him. I did that a couple of times. Kimo doesn't like big dogs and growled on (I think) three different occassions. But he wasn't out of control as I when I heard the growl, I pointed for him to sit and he did so.

I suppose this was a successful walk. Although we have one fearful dog, one excited dog, and I guess another fearful dog (Kimo).

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