Monday, April 21, 2008


My neighbor Wendy got her rent raised by the guy who bought the property. She's moving, but can't take Oliver (one of dogs that I take walking with Kimo) since the place where she moved doesn't take pets.

I'm looking for someone to adopt him, so I took him to tennis (instead of Kimo) tonight. Everybody liked him on first sight. [He's a pomeranian, which I suppose is synonymous with being cute.] I was surprised he was so sociable and would come when you called his name. Ann took to him. And, surprisingly, so did Bob. Bob played with him and took him walking.

I was hoping that Cathy's mom might take him. Or maybe Ann. But Cathy said he was too small and would squeeze through the fence. And Ann said their cat might not get along with him. Well, the word is out.

Ann (the neighbor) said they can't take another dog (they already have Mochi and Fifi plus Paco the cat). And Malia said they have too many dogs (Petey, Chloe, and Shirley plus a couple of cats).

One problem is that Oliver is not housetrained and is tied outside all day. That's why I was surprised he was so sociable.

I don't have a picture of Oliver handy. But he kind of looks like this.

[4/23] After taking home Hershey and Kimo, I took Oliver for a long walk today. That's the first time I ever walked him past the street. Around past the teahouse, I came across another small dog who was near red zone when I walked Oliver passed his gate. Oliver didn't react much to the barking, whereas Kimo might have gone wild. I wanted to see how long the dog would bark, but the lady who lived there came home. So I kind of started going and the barking subsided. Then I started going down the Alewa Drive hill and passed a man who said he used to have pomeranians. One lived to like 17 years old. Then I think I went on Woodlawn (I think) where there were three small chihuahuas barking behind a fence. Then there was a lady coming back from walking her small dog. But when I passed there were a couple of small dogs barking at me. I didn't realize there were so many dogs in that area. And barking is par for the course.

I walked to Puunui Park where a small group of seniors were doing tai chi. I tried to give Oliver some water out of my hand but he wouldnt take it. Further on, I saw a couple of young girls playing in a wading pool with a small dog. Opportunity for a new home for Oliver? Unfortunately, the small dog started barking at the fence when I got close. Never mind.

Finally I decided to walk past David's house. At first I wasn't certain that was his house and kind of doubled back. David happened to not have work today (and this week and last) and saw me and opened the garage door. That's the first time I saw him in a while. He gave Oliver some water and Oliver lay down on the floor. After talking about home repair and home improvements (I told him about our gutter and roof and that I wanted to build a fence), I mentioned that I might have to carry Oliver home. He offered to drive me back home and I accepted. I put Oliver on my lap, something I would be very leery of with Kimo.

Naturally Kimo barked when we go there. But subsided somewhat but didn't stop even when he saw me. After showing David where I wanted the fence to go, I went walking back Oliver with Hayashida's daughter who was visiting the old house. And I brought Oliver back home and he seemed to want to go to sleep in the shade of the house.

Tonight after walking Kimo, I saw June outside and was going to get Oliver to show her. But when I went to get him, Wendy had come home and said Oliver was gone. He had gone to a dog breeder (James Lee?) who wants to breed him. [I guess that means he's been put out to stud.] It's kind of sad that Oliver's gone but at least he'll have a yard instead of being chained up all day. I'll miss him. And Kimo too (he'll probably still want to go down the driveway to look for him). But at least everybody got to meet him at tennis and I had one good long walk with him.

Wendy said she put an ad on Craigslist with Oliver's picture and she got a bunch of phone calls. But I guess she deleted it because I couldn't find the post. And by coincidence, she said she's moving to the area where I happened to walk Oliver today.

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