Thursday, April 14, 2011

Joey's first day back

Sheryle drops Joey off early in the morning.
take Joey and Kimo out, early with Hershey
Tuffy barks, yep there's Fifi. Take her out too.

Around Natsunoya wall, up Aulii, up Puna, no Hoku, no Buddha
go up to Kam gate, then WTH take to Joey's house
Fifi runs around a little, Kimo goes up steps and stays there, Hershey sniffs in bushes
head back, Nicole is out with Cleo and waves to me

down Skyline, to Makanani (find an ID card by the stonewall)
visit Maka, Maka in doghouse, comes out to gate, but nobody really greets him
back to Kula, Malia's father greets me and Katarina comes to railing to look
Mamo talking to Deanna

let Joey go as we head to Hershey's house
Joey instead goes to my house, pushes open gate, and goes up the steps
heck leave him there

go to Hershey's house to treat the dogs
and soon enough Joey shows up

leave Hershey home, take Kimo home
bring Joey as I take home Fifi

feeding time, prepare food
Joey comes down, so I feed him first
then Kimo comes down, so give him his food
but Joey wants to eat Kimo's food before finishing his, block him
let Kimo eat until he goes to drink water and let Joey finish the rest

on front steps, Joey crowds Kimo too close, Kimo reacts
fight, step between them until they cool down then grab them
looks like Kimo got bitten in the leg as I see blood, looks fairly minor

barking, it's Koa loose
Joey reacts to Koa, but after sniffing through fence they seem OK

bring Joey with me as we follow Koa home, but he continues to the Miyamoto driveway
never mind, turn back
wait here's Koa again

OK, try again. And off goes Koa again.
let's look at the fish pond.
Toni hears us and comes out to chat
then Troy comes home with son, and here comes Koa again
Koa follows them downstairs and I close the door

more barking, it's the replacement mailman
Joey barks, but quiets as he gets tossed a biscuit
Kimo stays up on landing and gets tossed a biscuit too

take Joey in the back, take a nap

hear barking, how come it sounds like Joey's in the front
it's because he is
it's the neighbor lady with her grandson in the carriage
Joey pushes open the gate, runs out, but then runs back
give them treats as they return
no barking, she stops to chat a bit

[or the did the mailman come after the lady?]

Kimo goes to lie down, but seems a little tense when Joey comes

take Joey in back again, blocking opening with broom
this time, he lies down in chair

watch some Dog Whisperer on DVD (Jake, Kona, Scrout)

barking, it's Big Koa loose
go out to leash him
decide to take him back to see Joey
Joey barks and growls a bit
wait until Joey acclimates a bit, then leave
hey Joey's loose again
take off Koa's leash to put on Joey
then retrieve another leash for Koa
take Koa home
was going to walk a bit, but see the van taking home the kids, so I take home Koa

continue down the street a bit with Joey
it's the first Koa tied up in driveway
reacts a bit to Joey at first then acclimates
take Joey home again

take Joey and Kimo out
talk to June who says her dad is acting strange lately
pets Joey and Kimo, Kimo goes to nip her, luckily June is still pretty fast

Koa loose yet again
this time leash him and take him home with Joey
he lies down in garage and I give him a massage
girl opens door and thanks me for bringing him back

Keith is out as I come back
Kimo barking at him from landing
talk to Pat from yard
Joey goes up with paws on stonewall
Keith acts up and Pat take him up steps and home

take Joey up street again
see June who calls for her cat, but doesn't show up
Malia is out with Katarina, decide to walk with them

feed Kimo and Joey light evening meal

take Kimo in back, Joey follows us, take Joey back in front

A busy dog day for Joey (and for me)

[Thu 4/14, posted 4/15]

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hershey bites at Fifi

took Kimo, Hershey, and Fifi out.

At the Natsunoya parking, some lady rushes out and stops us. She wanted to check whether Hershey was a girl.

She has a male beagle pre-snipped and wanted to give him some action before snipping. Sorry, Hershey's a male too and has already been snipped. She says her beagle is 55 pounds. Sounds fat to me, but she says he's just solid.

Up Puna. See Hoku's gate open and go up. But no sign of Hoku. Continue up. No Buddha either. Wait, there's Hoku looking at us.

Turn around and go up. Call Dottie and she comes out and closed the gate.

Hoku gets Hershey to play, but Fifi wants to play too. Fifi gets too close and Hershey growls and goes after her and looks like he bit her. That gets Kimo going and he gets wild. Grab Kimo's leash and it's quickly over.

Fifi doesn't seem bothered. Don't see any wound, so maybe he didn't break skin.

Then later more excitement. Kimo jumps on Fifi's back growling. Lift him off with the leash. It's over again.

Good thing Fifi doesn't react back.

After that, Hershey didn't seem to want to play much, despite Hoku hounding him.

They play only a little bit and we leave.

They walk as usual with no apparent problems between Hershey and Fifi.

Friday, April 8, 2011

walking Big Koa

Kimo didn't want to go out, so took Hershey for a lap instead. Fifi wasn't out, must have been downstairs because of the rain.


Keith comes charging out. Kimo naturally responds.

Go out to walk Keith. Full of energy, likes to run ahead. Pat says he's scared of garage doors. Wants to go back when we go out too far.

Take up to the other end. Seems more comfortable there, sniffing the grass. Let him run ahead, but stop at the end of leash. Then run again.

Practice going down the steps slowly. Uh oh, Big Koa shows up on the street.

Kimo going wild. Get BK to come to me and leash him. Kimo gets less wild after a while, then calms down.

Koa pulling me at first, but more to sniff the grass. Then starts getting used the leash.

Then Amy comes walking, so I decide to walk with her. After walking a while, Koa behaves better. By the second lap, he's tiring and walking even better.

Uh oh. Big poop. Go to get bag. See newsaper in bag at Wong's house and get that one.

Pick up poop. Walk some more.

See Mrs. Wong outside looking for Koa. OK time to take Koa home.

Later. Malia comes walking down with Katarina.

Bring Kimo out, but not TOO close. Chat with her by the stonewall. She notices Kimo is losing hair around his eyes too. Kimo lies down on sidewalk.

[Fri 4/8, posted 4/9]

Sunday, April 3, 2011

three dachsunds

Take out Kimo. Tuffy barks. Sure enough, I see Fifi up the steps.

OK retrieve her.

Go round the teahouse wall. Visit Maka. The dogs sniff very briefly. Kimo pees a little on their gate. Followed by Maka's much higher volume pee.

See Randy out in the yard with Sonny. Tell him that Sonny doesn't like Fifi. Barks at Fifi as we pass.

Up Skyline, up Puna, Joey's house is being tented.

Ilima, Aulii. See Gary at a house. I guess he just finished doing some work at the house. Chat a bit.

Stop at Steve's house. Fifi is munching on something in his yard.

Come back via the stonewall. Kimo's in front and I hold Fifi behind me.

See RMAS walking. Kimo breathing heavy. Turn around. They come back for their second lap.

Wait til they turn around and I follow, holding Kimo and Fifi on short leashes. Fifi wants to go over to sniff Shammy, but I don't let her.

See lady with dogs going down the street. I thought it was Melissa with Rudy and Blue.

Kimo seems OK, but then Miki reacts a little to Fifi going down the driveway and Kimo briefly loses control.

Continue down to Amy's garage. It turns out it wasn't Rudy and Blue, but a lady with three dachsunds. She's now renting Oliver's old house.

We'll see how Kimo reacts to them next time he sees them.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kai (the dog)

take out Kimo, see RMAS out, Kimo starting to get excited, Tuffy barking, Fifi hears us and comes up steps.

Duck down to Fifi's house and hold Kimo as he reacts as RMAS go home down the driveway.

OK, take out Fifi. Take Kimo home. Keith barks, Pat is outside and I take Fifi over. Pat pets her.

Later, feeding Kimo in the garage. Kimo goes charging to the gate. It's Wayne and Coco and his wife (I assume) and another dog. They're talking to Mrs. Iha who's out in the yard.

Take Kimo out. The other dog is a white/brown pomeranian who's well-groomed named Kai. Kimo is reacting to Kai. And Kai is reacting to Kimo. Keith is barking.

The wife says Kai acts like an alpha male to Coco.

Kimo calms down after a while and sits. (Thinking back) I knelt down to see if Kai would come to me and suddenly Kimo erupts going into full mode. I hold him by his collar and he's out of his mind.

Wayne and the rest take off back up the street. After a while, Kimo comes back to his senses and we follow them up the street. Then I hear whining on the side. It's Koa by the gate. I go over to pet him.

Then we head home.

Don't know exactly what happened. But I'm thinking maybe Kimo reacted when he saw Kai coming toward me. Kind of doubt they're going to bring Kai to our street again. That's the first time I've ever seen Wayne and Coco come all the way down our street.

[Sat 4/2, posted 4/3]