Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wynn out, Kimo goes wild

Kimo soft barking. Finally take him out.

pass mom & Harriet walking. As I come back, see Wynn w/ Miki & Shammy. Kimo gets a little excited. So carefully approach.

Seems OK and I talk w/ Wynn about fantasy football

Read paper on front steps, give Kimo some food.

Donna comes to take mom to garage sale or something.
Mom wants to come down front stairs, so I hold Kimo by his collar.
Then he goes wild. Grab collar with both hands so he doesn't bite me.
Took a while for him to calm down, like a minute or so.

They leave via the back door and around the side of the house.

That was kind of scary and discouraging since I'm not exactly sure why he went wild.

[Sat 10/31, posted 11/1]

the focused attention excercise

I was googling why dogs growl, thinking of Buddha who growled when Hershey and Hoku were playing/wrestling and came too close and came across this article at paw-rescue titled Aggression, Growling, Lunging at Dogs and People Outdoors.

One thing that caught my eye was the focused attention excercise. That's training the dog to give you attention when you call its name.

Yesterday, Kimo was sitting by the storm drain and stayed there even when I went to the steps. I had to show him a treat and he came running. It would have been better for him to come by voice rather than by sight of a treat.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hershey wrestles with Hoku

Take out Kimo. Go up Keith's steps. Keith doesn't bark. Kimo reacts mildly briefly. Keith barks a little after we go down and go up sidewalk.

Walk a little w/ mom & Harriet.

Koa waiting by gate with sprinklers on. Go over and pet.

Visit Miki and Shammy. They lie down and don't show much expression.

Gerald brings Hershey as I continue toward the beginning of the street.

Lolena Place, Kamalii, Hillcrest, Skyline, Makanani (brown dog sniffing by fence, but Kimo doesn't really go all the way over), Aulii, Puna

See lady with small dog going back.

Lady is out with Hoku. Let Hershey play with her. At one point, I let Hershey loose and he ran up the steps on the right side of the house. But mostly they play and wrestle with Hershey largely on the bottom. Kimo mostly watches calmly though at one point he slightly growled when the action was getting heavy. That went on for some minutes but eventually they slow down a little and we continue up street.

Joey barks at us. I let them go up the steps and Joey is nowhere to be seen.

Go back down. There's Minnie and Buddha. Walk with them down and up and down. We try a little brisker pace going down.

Little Rylen was out when we come back. But he stayed at a distance when I stopped to see what he would do.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

backing up Kimo

Kimo was going to the fence and barking. It was Keith.

I went to the fence and backed him off, but he kept going back. So I kept going back too.

Eventually he stopped but I think it was because Keith went home..

[Wed 10/28, posted 10/29]

Hershey plays with Hoku

Took Kimo out and walked a little with Harriet, mom, Amy.

Gerald brings Hershey.

Down driveway to visit Miki and Shammy. Bring Kimo to gate while Hershey lags. Miki and Shammy look a little apprehensive.

Hala. Lady out with the little dogs. They bark. They all come to her except one which stays by the fence and barks.

Naio, Hillcrest, Skyline, Puna.

There's Minnie with Buddha (baby is named Kaylen). Walk down, back up. Lady out with Hoku (who looks like a golden retriever). Hershey wants to play. Lady lets her play. And they play for a while, though the leashes get tangled up for a while. Buddha looks, while Kimo stays on the side.

Up Puna. Joey barks at us. Round corner so they can sniff. Still barks. Owner comes out to chat. Joey stops, but the dogs mostly keep their distance from each other.

Back down Puna. See you tomorrow maybe.

Aulii. Makanani. Brief hello to brown dog. Pass by basenji who's at fence too. Runs back and forth but not too manic. Back to Kula. Koa waiting. Go over to pet.

Go home.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

dog attack report, Joey, Miki and Shammy

Kimo doesn't want to walk. So go get Hershey first, then bring out Kimo.

Lolena Place, Makanani, Aulii, Puna.

No sign of Buddha. Up Puna. Guy outside says he has a Spitz too. Very mellow, hardly barks. Not like Kimo.

Back down Puna. There they are coming out. Down Puna. Lady (Hoku's owner) says there was a loose pitbull on Makanani that attacked and killed her neighbor's little dog when they went out walking.

Back up Puna. Turn on Ilima. Visit Joey. Owner comes out when she hears barking and chats. Joey looks like a small spaniel, but owner says poi dog.

Head home. Decide to visit Miki and Shammy. Leave Kimo and Hershey at outer gate. Shammy comes over to be petted. Miki has rope toy in her mouth and is more stand-off-ish.

[Tue 10/27, posted 10/28]

Monday, October 26, 2009

Keith coming down stairs

took Kimo out in the afternoon

I was going up the sidewalk and Keith was going down the steps. Kimo went wild (snarling and showing teeth and all).

I held him by the collar with 2 hands, Brad Pattison-style, until he calmed down. Took probably like 10 seconds. Maybe more. But he did calm down.

Then follow at a distance up the road and turn around.

[Mon 10/26, posted 10/30 7:14AM]

Minnie and Buddha

Took Kimo out and walked a little with Amy, mom, Harriet. Amy was poking her cane near Kimo to point out certain things, but Kimo didn't react any.

Then Gerald brought Hershey. While walking by, Charlotte called me and we went down the driveway as she wanted to give me some perilla that she was cutting and was growing in one of Amy's pots. I never heard of perilla before, but I see it's an herb that is a member of the mint family.

Kimo acted up a little at Miki but settled down after a while. Amy and Reina went on a trip, so I'm tempted to bring the dogs inside the Miyamoto fence (even though I'm not consulting a trained professional).

Then off to Lolena Place where Big Boy (the mastiff) barked and jumped around at us as usual. He might be aggressive, but seems a little playful too. Then up the hill. Along the railing. Down the Kamalii fence. This time the pit was outside tied up and barked at us. Further down, the black dog was out and barked at us too but stopped barking as I let the dogs smell around. But resumed barking as we rounded the corner and the little dog barked at us from behind the screen door.

The scared dog barked at us again (barks but doesn't want to come up to the fence).

Then up Skyline. No sign of the big white dog running outside. Right on Makanani. The white dog lay down and didn't bark but there was some barking from the brown dog who I actually didn't see. Then we came to the house which had the "furry beagle". The lady was coming out and said the dog was in the house today. Then to the gate with the brown dog with the subtle white spots. He was waiting for us at the gate and Kimo went to sniff a little.

Then up Aulii, left on Puna. There was a lady carrying a baby with a little furry dog. I came closer and asked how the dog was with other dogs. It didn't sound like the dog was too friendly but not too hostile either. So I brought Hershey and Kimo. Hershey had no problems as the dog allowed him to sniff him. But Kimo came up and kind of backed off when the dog came forward to sniff him.

It turned out the dog's name was Buddha and is a Tibetan Spaniel which I never heard of. And the lady's name is Minnie. Didn't ask about the baby's name.

So we went walking with her up Puna. She said Buddha used to walk with a little dog and was kind of pushy. And used to walk with a bigger more pushy dog and would growl. Hershey seemed to be about the right energy for him and they mostly walked together up and down the street. I kept Kimo on the other side away from the baby to be cautious.

She seemed interested in walking again. So we'll see tomorrow.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kimo in the gutter

took Kimo out since he was barking at Keith
walked up Pat's sidewalk as they were coming back
sat down by Amy/Iha curb, then Kimo lies down with back against the curb
Keith goes up steps and peers over wall, Pat laughs (at Kimo lying down I think)
then we went for a short lap

[Monday 10/19, posted 10/20]

still have some work to do

take Kimo out, but mom coming home, sit on curb across Keith
take out Kimo w/ Hershey
Lolena Place, car behind me, go up hill
see big lady w/ small dog across street talking w/ another lady with dog
then I remember I met her before when she and husband walked their dog on our street
(forget her name)
she goes by gate with two big dogs, no barking
brown dog comes by gate, but Kimo doesn't sniff back
man walking pitbull / Kimo acts up, Hershey growls
down Skyline, past Maalaea, don't see loose dogs this time
Maalaea, Naio, Hala, dog on stone wall doesn't bark at us
Laki, old pit by fence, Kimo wanders close, but doesn't go up to sniff
see Reina and Amy going out, WTH go down driveway,
Kimo growls softly at Miki, chat with Charlotte (shiba inu related to Akita?)
Shammy later comes up and looks at us

[Monday 10/19, posted 10/20]

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kimo in the bushes

Mom came home from church and told me Kimo was lying down in the bushes.

Sure enough, he was lying in the dirt under the hedge by the steps with the gate ajar. Good thing he didn't run away I thought. His leash was caught under the fence/gate, though, so maybe that's why he didn't run away (or go in the garage). Don't know if he pushed it open or if I forgot to close it good.

[Sun 10/18, posted 10/19]

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Koa joins our walk

RMAS comes in the morning and Kimo runs back and forth. Ran in his house.

Finally leash him and I take him out. Barks at bird on phone line. Wait until calms then follow. Seems OK on walk and didn't seem bothered walking somewhat close to Miki (but not too close).

Home. Gerald brings Hershey. Take them out. Koa is loose on the road. Comes to me to be petted then runs up the road. Go up road. See gate ajar. Wonder if Koa did it. Try to lure him in, but no luck. Finally go into garage and get leash and get him to come and leash him.

Then WTH take him for walk. He was pulling but I was in no mood to force him to walk next to me. Went down by Fong's storm drain. Pat was out and was chatting with her. With Keith at window. Ears were out, but no barking (or at least he stopped). Even when I went a little further up and sat by Iha curb.


Afternoon walk. Talk to Stanley about hi-def. Kimo acts up at unseen Petey? Then lies down. Walk pass guy working on car by Amy's house. Growls.

OK, he still has a few issues.

[Tue 10/13, posted 10/14]