Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jojo and Musubi

Jojo comes before 6. Sorry, have to take Aunty to the airport.

Since Kimo was in the back, Jojo came up and stayed on the front steps.

Took Jojo out with Hershey. Hershey wanted to go into the back and jumped to the Nakano yard. Finds a bone. Jojo comes near and growls and Hershey growls aggressively back.

Drag Jojo away, but his collar comes off. Take Hershey in front and walk up the street with Jojo following.

Later went over as Mrs. Tsutsui was looking for her paper. Took out Hershey who poops at Pat's.

Hear barking up the street. It's Jojo barking at Mr. Yokomoto walking.

have him come back, lies down by front door, Janice calls looking for Jojo, there he is across the street lying on the Fong's grass. Janice comes to pick him up.

Comes back a couple hours later.
Take Kimo out, lies down on lawn, so dig some weeds

Here comes Malia with Katarina, Shirley AND Petey.
Better put Kimo away, but Jojo is still loose.

See Charlotte coming down walking, so decided to walk Jojo with her. On the way back, Jojo's collar comes off again.

Musubi is out. Comes a little too close. And Musubi chases him off.

Later Jojo is up the street barking. Musubi is lying down near Cheryl's house. I go up to sit by Musubi and Cheryl comes out.

Jojo continues to bark and I get him to follow me home

Fence Kimo in garage, so Jojo goes up the steps.

And later Janice returns to pick him up again.

[Tue 6/28, posted 6/30]
and growled aggressively at Jojo when he came near.

Monday, June 27, 2011


got a automated mail message about a lost dog.

Apparently it was generated from findtoto.org. Looks like the dog (Ellington the dachsund) hasn't been found yet since the entry is still up there.

There is also findtoto.com which is a paid service and is apparently the sister site. How it works is that you pay a fee and the service auto-dials the phones in your area with the message.

Pricing starts at $85 for 250 neighbors up to $875 for 10,000 neighbors called.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jojo and Big Koa

Jojo is back, but doesn't stick around long and is wandering around the street.

Leave Kimo in the back and take out Jojo and retrieve Hershey.
Debating which dog to retrieve next, looks like Fifi is snoozing so get one of Fifi's leashes and retrieve Koa.

Koa still pulling.

Take Hershey home and retrieve Fifi and walk some more.

on the way back, decide to tie Koa to Fifi and let them walk.

But the leashes untie and they get loose. Ann sees Fifi loose and Koa goes down the driveway. Retrieve Koa at one of the back houses.

Kimo comes out to assist and ties up Fifi.


Jojo comes to our door and mom tells him to go home.
That worked ... for a little while ... then he comes back


That afternoon I hear Keith barking. It's Big Koa loose. Goes up the street and comes back. Lure him to me with dog biscuits.

Jojo comes out on driveway. BK turns around and chases Jojo all the way up the street. Didn't know BK could run that fast. Jojo looked pretty scared so I assume he went home.

BK comes back and lured by the dog biscuits I take him home with little problem.


Nope, even BK wasn't enough as Jojo came back a few hours later just as Aunty Snips and Lynelle's family come over to visit.

[Thu 6/23, posted 6/25]


[6/23/11] this was mentioned by gayea in dogwhispererfans. What is it?

Here's an article.

As desperate dog owners look for approaches to managing or modifying aggressive behavior toward dogs and/or people, the good news is that there are several protocols to choose from. Two of the more recent approaches to emerge are CAT (Constructional Aggression Treatment) and BAT (Behavior Adjustment Treatment). Both techniques aim to shape calm behaviors in place of aggressive ones, but the end goal of each protocol is different, and the way they are facilitated differs as well. Understanding the differences can help you choose which approach is the best fit for you and your dog.

BAT always aborts when offered behavior is too undesirable (don't want to dog to practice unwanted behavior/get too aroused).

CAT prefers to still wait for an acceptable alternative behavior (aborting is a retreat and reinforces the undesired behavior). CAT prefers to use extinction for these unwanted behaviors.

For more about BAT, see:

For more about CAT, see:

[10/11/12 while searching for counter-conditioning a barking dog] Patricia McConnell talks about BAT and CAT in this article

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jojo and Keith

After the big fight, Jojo stayed away ... until the next afternoon.

I heard a dog barking outside and it was Jojo.

Then I see Pat coming down with Keith.
I intercept Keith. Jojo comes near and wants to play. Keith wants to attack.

So, probably to Pat's horror (though she kind of laughed), I let Keith chase after Jojo on the flexi-leash. Jojo would run away then come back closer after Keith reached the end of the leash. This went on for a while and Keith was panting.

Then I walked Keith up the street with Jojo following. But Keith still wanted to come after Jojo. Might have been better to walk both of them on the leash.

Kimo was at the fence, so, being the contrarian, I bought Keith to the fence. They were going at it so I turned Keith away in an attempt to get both to calm down. That worked partially. But then they started up again. And Pat couldn't take it and came to take Keith away.

[Wed 6/22, posted 6/25]

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

the big fight

Jojo was up on the landing and Kimo came up to join him.

Since Kimo has the probably of reflex attacking when he awakes from his sleep (or even not sleep), I moved away from the door.

Usually that causes Kimo to lose interest in staying by the door and go downstairs to lie down by the washer.

Unfortunately this time it didn't because I suddenly heard a large commotion and the two dogs were going at it viciously.

I went outside and luckily I was holding the Baron quarterly report which I managed to stick in between them and the fighting subsided.

Jojo went down the steps and Kimo stayed up at the top and I sat behind them. They seemed mostly calm though Kimo was breathing heavily for a while. Jojo didn't run away and just stayed a couple steps below me.

After a while I went down and sat on the landing. Jojo went down a couple of steps below me and Kimo went down and stayed on the landing.

After a while, Jojo decided to exit under the railing and went up the street.

Haven't seen him since, but evidently he went home because I never got a call later for Janice looking for him.

[Tue 6/21, posted 6/22]

Sunday, June 19, 2011

nuclear fission

After a day's absence, Jojo was back. This time with a plastic ID tag with his name and phone number.

Decided to get Koa this time on the flex-leash so they could run around a bit. After a lap, decided to get Fifi.

Here comes RMAS, so decided to walk with them.

Natuarally Kimo barked when they came in sight.

On the way back, I decided to retrieve Kimo. So I went up the steps with the other dogs trailing me. Kimo went wild when RMAS came back in sight. That caused Koa to go wild. And then Fifi and Jojo went wild.

Luckily I had the leashed in hand and was able to pull them up to prevent them from really getting into it. After the worst had passed, I brought them down the steps.

It must have looked bad because Reina came over and offered to help but I told her everything was OK.

Then I followed them with the four in hand and the dogs seemed OK with each other.

Finally after reaching the end of the street, on the way back, I passed them and they all seemed to walk pretty well together.

[Sun 6/19, posted 6/22]

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jojo on the loose

[Monday 6/13]
Donna calls me up like near midnight and said that Jojo was at her house!

What happened was that somebody found Jojo near Times at Liliha Square. Jojo was playing with his big dog.

I had put Kimo's old collar on Jojo, since he had no collar when I first saw him, so anybody seeing him wouldn't think that he's a stray. And since Kimo's old collar had Donna's address on it, he (and another guy with a big dog too) brought Jojo over.

I drove over and Alvin was outside with Jojo.

Took Jojo in my car and decided to take him home. But stopped off at Walgreens to get another dogbed since the other one was in the back and Kimo might be been using it.

So Jojo spend the rest of the night near the front door on the dogbed.

[Tuesday 6/14]
The next day Ann came down with Fifi and Mochi. So I brought out Jojo and Kimo.

But then RMAS show up, and Kimo goes wild as they came down and passed. And we went the other way. Then I told Ann we should go the other way when RMAS comes back. So we went out round Natsunoya bend, down Kamalii, Hillcrest, Skyline, Makanani. Sonny was at the gate with Jennifer and daughter. Then we greeted Maka at his gate.

Going home, I could see Mochi was panting.

I guess Jojo was tired too as he slept at the front door the rest of the morning.

Then Janice called still looking for Jojo (she called the previous evening) and picked him up.

[Wednesday 6/15]
Sure enough Jojo shows up in the morning. Kimo has blood on his muzzle. Maybe he's scratching the scaly area? Take out Kimo. And he runs under Pat's house. Meanwhile Hershey and Jojo go behind Tsutsui's house.

Oh boy. Decide to leave Kimo and get Hershey and Jojo. Luckily Hershey's leash got stuck near the stonewall and I could retrieve them.

As I come back, Kimo comes out from under the house and sprints to the back with Jojo in pursuit. I see Musubi(?) in the back observing and evidently the dogs don't see him. Meanwhile Hershey is off sniffing by the stonewall.

Then I hear barking. The cat is under the plant shelves with Kimo and Jojo on each side. I pull them away and retrieve Hershey. And take them for a walk.

See a little blood on Kimo's nose. Evidently the cat scratched him. And then Kimo starts puking on the road. Must have eaten some grass.

Then it was time to take mom to the doctor. So I carried Jojo into the backseat (didn't want to go in with the wheelchair in there).

And Jojo didn't come back until the next day.

[Thursday 6/16]
Jojo arrives again. Saw a cat and chased it to Iha's yard, but stopped when the cat stopped.

Retrieve Hershey and see RMAS coming, so retrieve Kimo too. Go up the street ahead of them. Then turn around after they turn around.

Let Jojo loose and he wanders by Shammy.

RMAS go home, so I retrieve Fifi. Koa sees us and wants to come too, but four + Koa would be too much. Jojo sees Jennifer's cat and go wild and the rest kind of follow suit.

Treat at Hershey's. The three eat while Jojo keeps his distance.

Then let the dogs loose, trusting that Kimo would home. Instead he goes behind Hershey's house.

Hear mom beeping, so take Kimo home and Fifi home.

Later Wayne's friend comes to visit with two shih tzus in the car. Jojo goes to the street while I try to keep Kimo under control

Finally, since I had to go to Walgreens, took Jojo home in the early afternoon. Henry sees me and tell me that Jojo jumped out the car on Monday at Times after they came back from the beach. Then he found him in the yard. Apparently Janice didn't tell Henry the story. Anyway that's how he wound up at Times.

[Friday 6/17]
Jojo shows up with a partial leash.

That afternoon, Henry drives by and picks up Jojo. Evidently he had tied him up with the leash but he chewed the leash in half.

[Saturday 6/18]
No Jojo today. So maybe the poor guy is now chained up.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kimo and Jojo fight

I was feeding Kimo and Jojo and they didn't finish eating.

So I spilled the food on the concrete for them.

Jojo and Kimo were kind of facing each other and all of a sudden Jojo got aggressive and attacked and Kimo counter-attacked.

It was kind of scary and I finally got in between them and they settled down.

Kimo seemed to be favoring and licking his food and Jojo a little bit with his leg too. But there doesn't seem to be much damage or animosity.

Later Jojo lay down on the steps and allowed Kimo to sniff his butt.

Don't know what triggered it. Maybe it was food aggression that Jojo thought Kimo was stealing his food. Maybe that's a reason why food is fed from bowls?

Pets in the City

We’re all familiar with the smash box-office hit and television series Sex and the City. But what about Pets in the City? Brooke Hasegawa took off on this business venture just last month, offering a private school experience for dogs that includes boarding, day care, grooming and more.

“Our schedule for our students is focused around providing a fun, safe and interactive environment for a select group of dogs,” says Hasegawa, a self-proclaimed dog lover. “I always struggled to leave my Frenchie Bully at a facility that was overcrowded and understaffed, where he might not receive the love and attention he is used to at home. Pets in the City offers dog parents a home away from home for their child and a school that is sure to train and tire out even the most active dogs. By collaborating with other knowledgeable members throughout Hawaii’s pet community, we hope that our dogs will be the most pampered and privileged pups on the island.”

Serenity Pet Massage, Hawaii Doggie Bakery and Sirius Puppy Training with Wendy Mah are a few of many businesses that have contributed to Pets in the City’s private school curriculum.

“We specialize in small breeds, although often the 75-pound Lab has a miniature personality and enjoys the company of a Chihuahua,” says Hasegawa, who also serves as vice president for Progressive Communications LLC.

“We offer private walks four times a day, rubberized flooring to help alleviate strain on canine joints, air conditioning and organic treats. As a result, a dog who requires a specialized level of personal attention is our primary clientele.”

Jojo and Koa

Jojo came to visit this morning.

Took Kimo in the front and decided to see how Jojo would interact with Koa. So I walked up with Jojo without leash.

At first Koa was aggressive/protective. And Jojo growled back So I held Koa by the collar to prevent the initial attack.

Jojo didn't run away. So I leashed up Koa with the flexi-leash to give him some running room. And Jojo initiated play.

Koa would chase until reaching the end of the leash. And after a little while, they got used to each other and seemed ok with each chase episode.

RMAS came out and so I started walking behind them at a little distance. At one point it was a dog train with Shammy being sniffed by Koa being sniffed by Jojo (I think that was the order).

Kimo still acted up when we passed. And Keith too. But Miki seemed OK. There was only one worrisome incident when Koa growled at Miki (I think).

So we went on ahead. And made it way back to my house. I took the leash off Koa and they played chase. The sequence was mostly Jojo initiating play and Koa chasing him. There were a few growls when the action got too close. But no biting.

Wanted to wait until they got tired and settled down (like Kimo would after a minute or so). But Jojo kept wanting to play)

Walked back with the two of them unleashed with them playing all the way back on the various neighbors yard.

Took a little doing, but got Koa leashed up and took him home.

Seemed a little defensive again once he was leashed, but much less than previously.

We'll see how it goes next time.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Big Koa and Kimo

For the second straight day, Big Koa was loose.

This time he didn't walk up to the end of the street and I saw him peeing on Pat's wall.

Kimo (and Keith) were barking and I wanted to see what Kimo would do if I let him loose. So I did. (Don't try this at home.)

So he ran out and instead of heading for Koa, went straight up Keith's steps and barked at him.

So I'm interpreting that to mean he's scared of Big Koa and wisely chose the safe route.

After I got Kimo down, I wanted him to walk with me when I took Koa home, but he wanted to go back home up the steps.

So I went back with Koa unleashed. He kind of followed me up the hill, then I started to run back to his house and he followed suit.

[Sat 6/11/11, posted 6/12]

Monday, June 6, 2011

hump day

Jojo came to visit and I decided to let Hershey and Jojo play.

Hershey wrestles with Hoku. Jojo plays chase with Fifi (mostly is the chasee).

Hershey starts to wrestle with Jojo, but then started to hump him. I figured it was just part of playing and let them play while I took Fifi home.

However when I came back, I saw Jojo humping Hershey! And a number of seconds later, Hershey was humping Jojo.

I thought it was pretty funny. Especially since both of them are males (and Hershey is neutered). But upon reflection, I don't know if allowing it is harmful to the dogs.

According to some pages, it's a way of displaying dominance (though webmd says it's normal play behavior if not take to extremes -- it was getting extreme).

So as I don't want either dog to be dominant over the other, I suppose I should stop it.

[posted 6/7/11]

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Resolutions for the dogs

New Year’s resolution No. 2: I will try to be more like my dogs in 2011.

They don’t whine, they’re helpful, vigilant, do no intentional harm, never get mad, are loyal, they value relationships, are sensitive and have fun. Also, they sleep a lot, stay very hydrated and deeply stretch every time they get up.

However, one of a few traits of theirs I plan not to emulate in the new year: shedding.