Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hershey is back

After what seemed to be a couple of weeks, I heard howling next door. Hershey was back. I went over and he seemed extremely happy (or excited) to see me.

I brought Kimo over to see his reaction. After Kimo got attacked by Miki, he became very quiet for days. Then when he saw Miki again, he went wild.

Hershey's reaction was very mild in comparison. As I wrote earlier, the next day he saw Kimo he went turned and went back into the house. But the day after, I walked with them almost as if nothing happened.

This time, Hershey didn't seem to do his play bow to try to entice Kimo to play with him. But he didn't run away either and in fact came to me. Then when I took them walking, Hershey walked quite well.

As I reached the end of the street, I saw Reina coming with Miki and Shammy. I waited until they came a little closer to see how Kimo would react. When I though they were getting close enough. I took them both into the garage out of sight. Then I waited until Reina turned around and took the dogs out. Not much reaction from any of the dogs. Though Kimo wanted to sniff on the side and Reina went home after just one lap. Maybe I should call her not to run away (otherwise the problem will never be solved).

I took them both over to Koa and Hershey seemed a bit apprehensive, then I tried to walk them altogether. It was quite a chore as Koa was pulling. But Kimo behaved. Even when he was walking behind Koa and Koa's wagging tail was smacking him in the face!

I decided to take them to the back of Koa's house. After I got them in, they mostly went their separate ways with Koa mostly staying by me and the other two wandering off. All was peaceful until Kimo heard another dog barking. I think it might have been Miki but maybe it was one of the neighbor dogs (the one who moved in after Oliver left). And once Kimo started barking at the barking, Koa started to howl.

I managed to quiet them down after a while. But Kimo obviously still has a reaction problem to many things.

I looked at the new Dog Whisperer episode today about a dog who reacted aggressively toward men. The solution is to desensitise him to a lot of different men. Kimo was going wild at the workers today, so maybe I'll try to desensitise him to them.

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