Thursday, August 28, 2008

figuring Hershey (and Paco)

This happened today (Thu 8/28 and Tue 8/19), so I figure I'll put in the same post.

Hershey always used to want to play, but when I bring him into the back yard, he seems to be wary of Kimo (can't blame him). I fed them some treats, one on each side of me. Kimo kind of pepped up and barked (though today it seemed a little more of a scary growl/bark). That got Hershey goingbrought over Hershey and he got into it and they wound up playing for a while. I think playing is good for Kimo so he can get some energy out by chasing Hershey and also learns to be chased without getting violent when it happens.

Earlier today though, I was walking Hershey and Kimo with Kimo (the man) walking Mochi. Paco (the cat) was trailing Kimo and Mochi then came back to us to greet Kimo. As he drew closer, Hershey barked and Paco ran off. And Kimo started barking at Paco. Well that kind of ruined it because Kimo reacted wildly at Paco when we saw him coming back. I think Paco was kind of spooked at Hershey and Kimo was reacting to Paco being spooked. Hopefully they'll be better the next time when they encounter each other without Hershey around.

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