Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kimo, Hershey, and Koa

Since Kimo didn't seem too eager to go out (he was barking earlier but was lying down after I got ready), I decided to check if Hershey was over. And he was. After walking Hershey a bit, I decided to bring Hershey in from the DH side. He seemed a little hesitant as I approached the gate. But Kimo was right at the gate and came out when I opened it up. Soon enough they were chasing each other with Hershey leaping the stone wall several times.

OK, walk two. As we reached Koa's place, Koa was waiting for me in the driveway. OK, try three. Hershey seemed apprehensive at Koa (probably Koa growled at him some time ago?) but warmed up a bit later. As we continued on, I saw Amy going out with Miki and Shammy. Kimo seemed torn at running to Amy and growling at Miki. With three in tow, I decided not to chance it and turned around and went the other way.

It was a struggle at first with all the leashes especially with Koa pulling. Finally they settled down a bit and managed a halfway decent walk for a stretch.

As I reached the top of the street, taking some time to shush Keith, I let them on the loose leash at the grass. But Hershey got loose and went to Malia's place and right up to one of their cats. The cat didn't move and happily Hershey stopped and didn't go after him/her. I managed to grab Hershey's leash from street level and led him back out.

I took Kimo home, then went with Koa solo. He seems to get better after he relieves himself early in the walk and gets a little tired.

I'd call this a semi-success. At least no incidents.

I went to feed Koa, then the screen guys (aka roofer guys) truck went by. Hershey was howling and Kimo was barking. Time to leave. As I walked by Hershey house (he was at the door inside the house), I shushed Hershey with my finger on my lips and he actually shushed. Next was Kimo on the steps and he pretty much stopped after he saw me coming.

A little food fetch and he seemed comfortable with them at Pat's house and was mostly quiet after that (so far).

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