Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hershey, Kimo, Koa, Snoopy, and the rat trap


I went to retrieve Hershey first and brought him to the back. He started sniffing, then he and Kimo started to play a bit (though with Kimo one is sometimes unsure if he's playing). Both walk pretty good. So things were off to a good start.

Next retrieve Koa. He struggled down to the front of the road (meaning he was pulling me to get to where he wanted to go). But then he walked better on the way back, even going by Keith relatively painlessly.

As we came by my house, here came Snoopy. Snoopy and Kimo sniffed each other friendlyly (is that a word?), but Koa growled and I restrained him. After a while, he seemed to settle and I let them sniff. But then Koa growled and lunged and Snoopy was off to the races. I pinned Koa down but the damage had been done. So Koa has issues too.

I put Kimo into the garage whereupon he came across the rat trap in which I had caught a mouse the previous night (and put in the trash bin -- the mouse amazingly squeezed through the wires but was still in the trash bin -- that's another story) and starts sniffing and pawing it. I went in to see if I could separate Kimo from the trap, but he got possessive wild. He had apparently claimed the trap as his. He jumped on me and bit me on the leg (fortunately the wound was minor). I pin him and take away the cage.

But in the meantime, Koa starts barking fiercely at the wild Kimo and they go wild at each other. Mom yells at me to take Koa away, but I correct Koa physically with the leash and Kimo verbally (they were on opposite sides of the fence). [I forget, but I might have pinned them both.] Meanwhile, poor Hershey is witnessing all this and seems a little gunshy.

I put on the rainbow leash on Koa, which seems to control him better, and I take Hershey home (who wants to immediately run up the steps). Then I take Koa home and feed him.


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