Tuesday, August 19, 2008

white wiggly worms

later that day...

I saw Kimo under mom's window. It was like he thought he was stuck and so he just sat there.

I went out and saw some white worms wiggling in his poop. They were maybe a third of an inch long and an eight of an inch wide and were sticking halfway out of his poop and wiggling. Kind of neat and gross at the same time.

I looked it up and it sounded like tape worm.

I emailed Donna and she called the vet. And got a couple of pills for Kimo. I broke the pills in half and put it in his food bowl as he was eating and he ate it. I don't notice the worms anymore so I guess it worked.

Reading the lable on the bottle, the pills are droncit. Seems like a common prescription.

* * *

[10/5/08] Koa has tapeworm too. I called his vet a few days ago, but the receptionist said I would have to bring down a stool sample. Not wanting to go through the trouble, I thought to have Donna get some pills for Koa from her vet. But then Diana told me they have tape worm medicine at the pet shop too. I looked around and there were various ones. The cheapest one I found was safe-guard 4 at Pet Discount Warehouse. I checked at Kalihi Pets yesterday, but they seemed expensive. And the place on Ward didn't have anything today. I was going to wait for Donna, but what the heck, I picked up safe-guard at PDW today. The only problem now is that I see it's only one day's dose of a three-day treatment (whereas the one I gave to Kimo was a one-shot deal). The active ingredient is fenbendazole. Which is also the ingredient in Panacur. Well, we'll see if one dose is enough. (Doesn't look like it.)

I see the droncit is by prescription, but fenbendazole is not.

Looking further I see that Canine Tape Worm Tabs (praziquantel) has the same active ingredient as Droncit and is available without a prescription

[8/24/12] Kimo has tape worm again and I got him the droncit from Dr. Kamiya.  But I notice that it's available w/o prescription from Amazon.  It's called Tape Worm Tabs with the ingredient praziquantel (which is what I see I wrote above) Available from Amazon.

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