Saturday, May 3, 2008

Food Fetch

Kimo doesn't know how to fetch. When he was a puppy, I would throw his little rubber tree branch and he would go fetch it. But now that toy is lost, and he doesn't seems to have lost the instinct to fetch.

So what I do now, is throw these tiny bits of vegetarian kibble (I bought this when I was experimenting with food and he didn't seem to like it plus it gave him the runs) and he goes and gets it and comes back for the next one.

Anyway, this works pretty well. But after playing, he gets rambunctious and starts nipping at my heels, or nipping at the bottom of my sweatpants, or jumping on me, or chews on his leash. Things he usually doesn't do. I guess the fetch/play brings the instinct out of him. Which might be good, but I don't know what the next step should be. Maybe I gotta get that Natural Dog Training book.

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