Monday, May 19, 2008

Sunday walk

I decided to take Kimo on a long walk on Sunday something I haven't done for a while. I don't think I did this since before he had the mange the last time.

There used to be a old dog on Laki Lane, but now there's a different dog there. It's a brown dog, around Kimo's size, but with short hair. This is one of the dogs that doesn't bark at Kimo. In fact, after some fence sniffing, it seemed he wanted to play with Kimo. He went up on the fence (actually the fence isn't that tall and I think he could jump over if he really tried). Then he kind of whimpered as we left.

There's another dog on Liliha Street that doesn't bark at Kimo, near the crosswalk at Bates on the Ewas side, but today I didn't see him. Don't know if he's still there.

Then there's Kimo's "brother" on the DH side of Liliha a few doors down from Lorianne's house. He was down the driveway around the corner of the house. He peeked around the corner and saw Kimo, then came running to the front. He seems to like Kimo, but Kimo seemed pretty indifferent. Kimo had been catching up to him in the fur department. But now Kimo's fur seems pretty scruffy in comparison. One day, I'd like to get a picture of both of them together.

One thing I notice about taking Kimo on these walks is that he rarely barks at the dogs that are barking at him. Whereas I know if these dogs came to our neighborhood, he'd be barking his head off.

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