Thursday, May 15, 2008

(non)Scaredy Cat

When Donna, Alvin, and Christie leaving on Sunday, Kimo was barking at something in the bushes. It turned out to be a black and white cat (I forget whether it was black with white spots or white with black spots).

Despite the barking, the cat didn't run away. On the contrary, it came right up the railing and he (or she) and Kimo were practically nose-to-nose. I don't know if the cat wanted to be friendly or was teasing the dog.

Today (Wednesday), Kimo saw another black and white cat at Malia's house. Stanley said it's Malia's cat. I don't think it was the same cat but Kimo started acting up. And when I held him, he started to get wild and I had to hold him tightly with both hands to prevent him from biting me. I don't know if the holding him made him worse, or if I should have turned him away.

I figure if I turn him away, I'll be avoiding the problem and it'll never get solved. On the other hand, if I constantly force him to face unpleasant situations, maybe I'm making him more crazy.

I'm looking at the Tallulah episode of IMOTD. Victoria is preventing situations from escalating by making a noise to distract the dog and turning and walking away. On the other hand, I've seen her walk a dog together with another dog (who he doesn't get along with) under protest and eventually they walked together OK.

[5/17/08] The cat came back today. At least I think it was the same cat. It went under mom's car while Kimo was in the garage. I was wondering what he was barking at until I looked under the car. The cat was there for quite a while as I tried to calm Kimo and try to get him used to the cat. He still wants to go after the cat, but didn't seem so intense today.

When the cat walked away, I saw it was a black cat with white paws and a purple collar. So it's somebody's cat. Maybe it's tame because it didn't get wild (no arched back or anything) when Kimo barked at it. We'll see if/when this same cat comes back.

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