Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hershey at Play

Hershey is my former neighbor's dog who brings him over to his mom's house (who is still my neighbor) on weekdays.

Today I was up early and Kimo was too. Keith was barking at Mr. Yokomoto and naturally Kimo joined in. So when I saw Mr. Yokomoto (he's 89 and still walks well), I took Kimo out.

Later the senior women joined in (my mom, Harriet, Amy, Betty) and I walked with them. Then we met up with Betty's daughter's friend (who has an unusual name, I forget but he's a musician).

We veered off to Betty's driveway as the garbage truck was coming. The Cheung family car was coming out and veered off too. Melinda happily waved at Betty, but ignored me.

Anyway, the friend came over to pet Kimo and I kind of pulled him away explaining that he gets scared. And that he doesn't like it if you approach him directly overhead. But then he kind of persisted and I let him smell his hand a little before pulling him away (but not too hard as that would be counter-productive). I guess it would be OK, but I'm still thinking of getting a muzzle for him just to be on the safe side.

Anyway (again), after the walk, Gerald brought Hershey. I was done walking, but I brought Kimo over. Kimo usually ignores Hershey at first, going over to sniff and pee in the bushes. Hershey kind of crouches down, I assume to entice the dog to come close then gets up and kind of chases them away. It's kind of a give and take. He chases Kimo a bit and Kimo backs off. Then Hershey backs off and Kimo chases him a bit. Then before things get out of hand, Hershey lies down on his back and allows Kimo to sniff him. Then abruptly gets up causing Kimo to back off. Etc.

So I guess that's how dogs play. Which is good since Kimo never does this with any other dog.

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