Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jojo and Big Koa

Jojo is back, but doesn't stick around long and is wandering around the street.

Leave Kimo in the back and take out Jojo and retrieve Hershey.
Debating which dog to retrieve next, looks like Fifi is snoozing so get one of Fifi's leashes and retrieve Koa.

Koa still pulling.

Take Hershey home and retrieve Fifi and walk some more.

on the way back, decide to tie Koa to Fifi and let them walk.

But the leashes untie and they get loose. Ann sees Fifi loose and Koa goes down the driveway. Retrieve Koa at one of the back houses.

Kimo comes out to assist and ties up Fifi.


Jojo comes to our door and mom tells him to go home.
That worked ... for a little while ... then he comes back


That afternoon I hear Keith barking. It's Big Koa loose. Goes up the street and comes back. Lure him to me with dog biscuits.

Jojo comes out on driveway. BK turns around and chases Jojo all the way up the street. Didn't know BK could run that fast. Jojo looked pretty scared so I assume he went home.

BK comes back and lured by the dog biscuits I take him home with little problem.


Nope, even BK wasn't enough as Jojo came back a few hours later just as Aunty Snips and Lynelle's family come over to visit.

[Thu 6/23, posted 6/25]

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