Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pets in the City

We’re all familiar with the smash box-office hit and television series Sex and the City. But what about Pets in the City? Brooke Hasegawa took off on this business venture just last month, offering a private school experience for dogs that includes boarding, day care, grooming and more.

“Our schedule for our students is focused around providing a fun, safe and interactive environment for a select group of dogs,” says Hasegawa, a self-proclaimed dog lover. “I always struggled to leave my Frenchie Bully at a facility that was overcrowded and understaffed, where he might not receive the love and attention he is used to at home. Pets in the City offers dog parents a home away from home for their child and a school that is sure to train and tire out even the most active dogs. By collaborating with other knowledgeable members throughout Hawaii’s pet community, we hope that our dogs will be the most pampered and privileged pups on the island.”

Serenity Pet Massage, Hawaii Doggie Bakery and Sirius Puppy Training with Wendy Mah are a few of many businesses that have contributed to Pets in the City’s private school curriculum.

“We specialize in small breeds, although often the 75-pound Lab has a miniature personality and enjoys the company of a Chihuahua,” says Hasegawa, who also serves as vice president for Progressive Communications LLC.

“We offer private walks four times a day, rubberized flooring to help alleviate strain on canine joints, air conditioning and organic treats. As a result, a dog who requires a specialized level of personal attention is our primary clientele.”

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