Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kimo and Jojo fight

I was feeding Kimo and Jojo and they didn't finish eating.

So I spilled the food on the concrete for them.

Jojo and Kimo were kind of facing each other and all of a sudden Jojo got aggressive and attacked and Kimo counter-attacked.

It was kind of scary and I finally got in between them and they settled down.

Kimo seemed to be favoring and licking his food and Jojo a little bit with his leg too. But there doesn't seem to be much damage or animosity.

Later Jojo lay down on the steps and allowed Kimo to sniff his butt.

Don't know what triggered it. Maybe it was food aggression that Jojo thought Kimo was stealing his food. Maybe that's a reason why food is fed from bowls?

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