Thursday, August 20, 2009

RMAS after the walk

I took Kimo out in the morning and retrived Hershey.

As we went up the street, Amy was leaving out a bag for the CP or BB folks. It was brand new clothes she said. Clothes that she bought for Wynn that still had tags on it. I said unused, not brand new. She said brand new.

Anyway, on to Lolena Place, cross the graveyard, down Kamalii (with no dogs barking for a change), to Hillcrest, up Skyline. I see the haole woman who I often see fast walking her biggish dog turned into a driveway on Skyline. So that's where she lives. I usually see her in the afternoon. But maybe she walks mornings too?

Then to Makanani. The big white dog was looking at us from behind the fence. But then his brown partner started barking (though I didn't see him) and the white dog followed suit for a little while. But mostly just looked.

Then to the old brown dalmatian (or whatever he is). He just lay in his house looking at us. And no sign of the young one.

The basenji was next, kind of running back and forth, but not barking (I guess he doesn't really bark). But he looked excited so I kept Kimo away.

After going home, didn't have much treats to give Kimo and Hershey (forgot to load up), so I broke a piece into four tiny pieces.

Kimo was home and started barking. I took him out to see what was going on and it was RMAS. I took Kimo up to follow them up the street and he was composed. Coming back he acted up because Keith was going crazy jumping up and down at the window.

Then I drew nearer to Reina and Miki. Kimo acted up again as Miki turned to me. I got him back under control. But then I had to go take mom to church to help out with the luau. (Meanwhile Hershey was laying quietly on the steps looking at us.)

So Kimo's not quite back yet. But maybe getting there.

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