Sunday, August 2, 2009

The reappearance of Miki and Shammy

Decided to go long with Kimo. Went down Kealakai and saw a couple walking further down where I usually turn. I went all the way to the end until Keola and turned left to Lanakila. There was a terrier and another dog barking. Then onto Kuakini, picking up some trash here and there, and then up Bachelot. The house with the dog had the gate open, so obviously no dog outside today. Then to Bates and Liliha. No sign of Chibi. Right on Judd, down Bachelot, to Bates. Notice a dog behind the fence which was looking at us but not barking. Debated whether to take Kimo to the dog but continued on. Then I saw the owner come out. So I decided to chance it. But Kimo was balking at coming close so I didn't force him. Told the owner he's shy. Back to Liliha. Saw Chibi down the driveway and a older man walking noticed they were the same breed. Chibi saw us but didn't come. Then I called for him and he came running. And I held my fist up to sniff. Kimo didn't seem interested though. Though I finally coaxed him for a brief sniff. Then left on Judd. The Husky was sleeping by the gate. He woke up and was friendly. But once again, Kimo wasn't interested. Though finally they had a brief sniff. Up Iholena, Lolena, and back home.

Was reading the paper on the front steps and Kimo started to bark somewhat fiercely. It was Reina and Amy with Miki and Shammy. I don't think they've walk this was for over a year (since Koa was coming out on the street and growling at them). I held Kimo as they went up the street to Keith's barking. I ripped up some chicken jerky bits to give to him as they came back. Keith was going wild. But Kimo was mostly munching. He acted up a bit as they were passing. But I enticed him more with the jerky and that seemed to work. I remarked to Reina that I hadn't seen them this way for a while. Reina said she didn't want to walk the dogs by herself in case Koa shows up. But it's not as bad with her mom she has the golf club. And can presumably chase away Koa with it.

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