Tuesday, August 11, 2009

another day with Miki & Shammy

Kimo peed on the chair leg (the chair next to his doghouse) again. Hasn't happened for a while, but I guess it's better than peeing in the house.

RMAS come again. I took out Kimo and went up the street. Amy tells me she's cancelling her alarm system. She was cleaning up her overflowing toilet and forgot to turn off the alarm and says it's too humbug to turn off and on I guess.

Anyway, I let them pass back down and went to get Hershey and trailed them again.

This time, we managed to catch up to them (didn't quite get there yesterday). Well at least Hershey caught up to Shammy. Reina and Miki were still in the front. Kimo remained calm.

They turned around and I put my hand on the back of Kimo's neck just in case. But he seemed OK. They were going down the driveway and Miki started barking. I think at Paco. Then Kimo instantly reacted by going wild. I had to hold the leash up for four or five seconds until he calmed down.


Then to Makanani. The basenji was there, the rubbish truck was coming and the man opened the gate to toss his rubbish in the bin. And I took the opportunity to toss my poop bag in along with some styrofoam thing I picked up at his neighbor's grass. The basenji came at the fence. Kimo got a little near and the basenji took a bite in the air. I pulled Kimo away, but Kimo didn't show much reaction.

Then past the white and brown dogs, who didn't bark at first. Then up Skyline and down Puna. The black dog was on steps but stayed there and didn't bark. But as we got to the next house, the dogs in the house barked and the black dog ran to the fence and joined in.

Then back to Makanani. The basenji was there. I had Kimo sit and pulled some burrs off his fur as the basenji looked on. Just to try to get him used to us. Then we headed home.

[Tue 8/11/]

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