Sunday, July 26, 2009

Indy and Spider go for walk

I was going to help in Kari's move so I decided to take Kimo out for a ride (does that make any sense?)

I headed to Makiki and turned up to look at the intersection where Butchy says the gangs hide out. But the hedge is actually sort of on a wall and gate. Hmmm.

Then I passed the park where I saw a lady in a hat with a big dog. I thought it might be Momi so I parked a little down the street and walk Kimo up. They were leaving when I was coming up and she motioned for me to come since she thought we were pausing because of her big dog (actually it was more Kimo sniffing and peeing). But it turned out not to be Momi and they drove off.

Since I was there I walked Kimo up by the pumping station and around. Then we sort of ran back. Not really in great control, but better control than most times in the past.

Then we went to Donna's house. As we came to the back, Donna opened the door. And Kimo went up on her. Donna put a little screen barrier to block the walkway on the side of the garage and Kimo kind of wandered around in the brush and sniffed. In the meantime we did a little weeding.

Then I took Kimo home and went to buy some sushi and pizza.

There was still time, so I decided to go to Cathy's mom's place to visit Spider and Indy. It was quiet when I drove into the driveway, but soon enough the barking began as I went to the back gate. Then somewhat surprisingly the barking subsided as I brought out the jerky. Indy readily went for it, but Spider was kind of cautious. So Indy wound up with most of the treats.

Then Cathy leashed up Spider so I wouldn't get bitten again and I treated them inside the gate. Then I wanted to take them for a walk. Indy didn't want to get leashed, so I told Cathy to put the treat on the other side of choke chain loop and Indy popped her head right through.

Then we went for a walk. At first I was going to walk them both, but decided to take Indy and Cathy took Spider (and a watergun). Indy was kind of acting on the choke chain and Cathy thought I might have been choking her. But it was more her struggling on the choke chain. And I made sure that the chain was high up by her jaw so it wouldn't choke her throat. Indy settled down a bit, but Spider was lagging behind. So I went to get him, but the choke chain high up high and walk them both.

Indy still struggled a little and I put them both on my left side with Spider on the outside. And they walked better that way though they were still a little active and ahead of me. Coming down a hill I saw a girl bringing her dog into the house. I thought they might act up at the sight of the dog, but I don't think they saw the dog and so they didn't.

Coming back, I let Indy in the gate and left Spider just outside the gate with me. That way I could treat both of them without Spider taking the food. Plus get Spider more used to me since he was under control with the leash.

Then I brought out the rawhide bones. Spider took it somewhere in the back and came back. In the meantime, Indy was chewing on her bone and snarled off Spider when he wanted to come take it. I went looking in the back for Spider's bone. But Cathy said he already ate it. I found that hard to believe since Kimo takes like a month to finish his bone.

I tried going back out the gate then back in. Spider still barked but less intensely.

Well, we'll see next time.

[Sun 7/26, posted 7/27]

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