Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hershey on the run

I went out a little late since it was raining. Hershey was on the steps but went down as I went up with Kimo with the morning paper.

Hershey seemed in a playful mood. I let them loose to run and Hershey ran to the side of the house. But he did come when I knelt down and told him to come.

They chased some more. Hershey went down and Kimo went on top of him but didn't seem aggressive. I took Kimo off and had him lie down. Then we went for our walk.

Decided to go to the park. It was drizzling but as it let up, I took them to the volleyball court. No chasing this time, but I did make them run/walk for food. Also I saw a piece of cord on the fence and I used it to try to repair some of the cut gate.

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