Friday, June 12, 2009

running on the court

Kimo was barking from back. There was a new lady walking with Amy and Harriet, and later mom. Maybe a visitor from the mainland?

I let Kimo in front to pee & poop, then he jumped over the stonewall, ran around the back of Pat's house and up the steps before I could catch him. Keith goes nuts. I down Kimo with a squeal but he's wild for several seconds before settling.

Take Kimo and Hershey out. As I walk pass, Koa comes through the loose gate and on to the street. I open the garage door but don't see his leash. I go downstairs and the lady (still didn't get her name) gets it for me.

Finally track down Koa at Lolena Place where he runs to me.

Down to the park. To the volleyball court. After letting them walk around for a bit, I put Hershey's choke chain on Koa and practice walking. Then with Koa leash, I walk Koa and Hershey together. Surprisingly Kimo starts following us.

Then I run in an attempt to get them running after me (then having them lie down for treats). Koa runs. Kimo runs. But Hershey walks. Which is disappointing because Hershey is the one who likes to play and run. But evidently he's wary of running with Kimo and Hershey. Especially since he was attacked twice before by Kimo when he went wild (first when I lifted Kimo's paw off food and he bit me. second when they were in my backyard and they saw a cat. That was the time Hershey chased the cat and I wound up finding him at AOP.) Anyway. Koa was the most straightforward chasing me. Kimo ran, then kind of ran in a large circle excitedly. Hershey trotted when he saw that there was food to be had.

After that, I took them to the playground set to sit and rest. Kimo showed he was comfortable by lying down in front of Hershey. Hershey was kind of wary and didn't seem to completely relax with Kimo close by. Koa was closest to me and lay down.

I took Koa home with everybody leaving (the lady was going surfing and Troy was going golfing. I guess Toni was staying home). I looked for the leather leash (the one that Hershey gave to me, but didn't see it. The leashes used to be hanging in the garage but are no longer there.)

[6/12/09, posted 6/13/09]

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