Thursday, June 4, 2009

it was just a nudge

brushed Kimo in the morning.

Then took Kimo and Hershey out for their walk.

Went to Makanani, the old dog seemed friendly today, but still barked as we left.
The dogs across the street barked.
Skyline, then up Puna, the black dog barks
back to Makanani, small brown dog comes to fence but don't let Kimo sniff

back to Kula. Reina w/ M&S was chatting with Amy & Charlotte. I had Kimo and Hershey sit at a distance. Eventually they passed. But then Kimo had an outburst after they walked by. Have to watch Kimo a little longer.

Then I read the paper on the front steps.

Kimo was lying down by my feet. Accidently nudged him slightly and he jumped up on my legs growling. After a couple seconds, he recognized me and backed off.

[Thu 6/4, posted 7/31]

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