Monday, July 21, 2008

still out of control

I still don't have Kimo totally in control (needless to say).

This morning I let him out of the garage to poop and Katherine happened to be taking a walk (which she does only occasionally). Kimo saw her, ran out to the road next to her (I tried to step on his leash, but missed) and started barking. I had to go out and grab the leash and calm him down.

Well, since he was out, I figured it was time to walk. So I walked with Mr. Yokomoto who was also walking at the time. Then with Betty. Then finally slowed down to walk with mom, Harriet, and Amy. He walked fairly well after that, though he acted up a bit with the birds on the telephone line above the Fongs house and a bit with Keith when he started to bark at us from the window.

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