Friday, July 4, 2008

Koa redux

Koa was out again and we trailed him up the street toward the Chung's house. Then Koa went back down and Pat took Keith out. Keith barked and Kimo went nuts. Wild like Nunu. (He went wild like that Except Kimo was bigger. Somehow I managed not to get bitten. I tried to calm him down by making him lie down on Amy's grass. But he was still excited as I slowly walked him down the street with Pat and Keith looking on.

Then I encountered Ann taking out Mochi and Fifi. Kimo seemed to be behaving with the dogs loose. But Fifi came close and Kimo started to growl. So Ann kept them at a distance. But not Paco who came up and head-butted Kimo in the chest in his usual manner.

I met back up with Koa near his house and let Kimo sniff around his place. Koa came closer to investigate but not in smelling distance. I sat down on the stone wall in the driveway and Koa eventually came over and got petted.

Later Toni came out and tied Koa to the rope. He became more territorial, but Kimo just lay on the ground as I chatted with Toni.

So it appears Kimo and Koa are getting used to each other. Though I'm still concerned about his bouts of wildness.

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