Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Giant Step Back

I keep thinking Kimo's making progress, then he takes a giant leap backward.

I took him over to Hershey on Monday and let him loose while I went to retrieve Hershey's leash. Then, before I knew, I heard this commotion and Kimo had pinned Herhsey against the car.

I grabbed Kimo and downed him eventually (it took some doing) and held him until he settled. But he wasn't completely settled as he lay down as he protested when I gently tugged the leash to get him up.

What was worse was that Helen was watching as all this was going on.

Usually, Hershey initiates play by charging and running away. Then lies down, at which point Kimo stops and sniffs him. This time Kimo didn't stop. Actually, I'm not sure what happened because I wasn't looking. It might have been Hershey just ran into the car while running away and Kimo kept going.

The next day, I walked Kimo to the garage with Hershey in the house and Hershey started barking. Helen let Hershey out, then he saw Kimo and did an about-face back into the house. Can't say I blame him.

On Wednesday, Gerald came with Hershey as I was at the beginning of the street. He heard about the incident, but let out Hershey anyway. I grabbed the leash and we commenced walking almost as if nothing had happened. I'm sure Hershey was apprensive but he didn't struggle. But I'm keeping an eye on Kimo for a while, just in case.

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