Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hope for Keith and Kimo

As usual, Keith and Kimo were at each other as Pat took Keith out with Kimo on the steps and Keith and Pat on the street.

Hot on today's success with Miki, I determinedly took Kimo up the street after them. Kimo went wild near the Hatanaka house as Pat was returning with Keith. And Keith went wild too.

Finally they settled a little and Pat took Keith down the road. Evidently Pat had had enough as she went to check her mail. She was taking a little long looking through her mail, so I sensed opportunity. I took Kimo back to the garage and grabbed the rainbow leash. Then I asked Pat if I could walk Keith.

I put on the leash and Keith walked surprisingly well. As I came down the street, I wondered what Kimo was going to do. He went to the top of the steps and lay down. A surprisingly good sign. Vern was coming down as I went up with Keith so I walked with Vern. He seemed a little apprehensive with Keith sniffing him. But other than that, no problems. Keith had one small flareup as I came back down after Vern went home. But I just gave him a mild correction and returned him to Pat.

I'd give that a thumbs up.

A little later I took Kimo out to make sure he relieved himself enough. Then Snoopy made an appearance. I let Kimo loose and they sniffed each other by the stone wall. And Snoopy went on his merry way. Another good sign.

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