Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Musubi pays a visit

I had Kimo on the front steps after our walk. Then I noticed a dead bee by the fence and went to pick it up.

Kimo ran down as I picked him up and I opened the gate to see where he would go. He ran to the yard by the palm tree and I saw Musubi there. Musubi didn't have his collar on, but I could recognize him by the lack of hair on the side of his eyes. (I think that's Musubi anyway. It might be Malia's other black and white cat.) Kimo stopped short and I grabbed the leash but left it loose. He sniffed and Musubi seemed mostly passive. No problems.

I took Kimo in the back because I was going to take mom to Chinatown. Soon enough Musubi showed up at the back gate. Kimo seemed a little unsure because he's usually protective in the back. But no barking. So that's a good sign. For Musubi anyway.

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