Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kimo pukes

I brought Kimo's food out but he didn't seem interested in it. I didn't want to coax him to eating it, so I just left it and went back in the house, hoping he would eventually learn to eat it without me being there.

He barked a couple of times. So I thought he wanted to eat but he still didn't seem interested. Maybe he wanted to eat treats. And the food isn't that tasty.

Then later I come out and see him heaving and puking on the grass. Not sure why, but it didn't look good. Sometimes he vomits after eating grass. But this is the most that I've seen him do it.

I brought his bowl back in the house, but left some kibble on the cement for him. But he never ate it.

Later, he was lying on his pillow. And I couldn't help myself and hand fed him some kibble by putting on his pillow next to his mouth. Then I sat down on the chair and he finally went over to the bowl and ate all the food.

[4/15, posted 4/16]

The next day, he seems better.

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