Friday, April 17, 2009

Kimo goes wild

I took Kimo out over the Hershey's house and as we started going to sidewalk, Kimo got frisky and started running around. He ran around in circles and around the Tsutsui bush. It was like he wanted to play. But in the meantime Hershey stayed still, like he was afraid of what Kimo was going to do.

Continuing on, Big Koa was loose on the street which is rare. Mrs. Wong was out there and seemed to get a little worried as Koa started sniffing Hershey's butt. Again, Hershey seemed a little scared and didn't move. I was worried more about Kimo and he kept his distance. She finally was able to drag Koa back inside (which isn't easy since he's so big, not because he's wild or anything). But then Kimo got wild. I held the leash high but he jumped up and bit my hand. I tugged the leash a couple of times and he finally snapped out of it. Then he went more or less back to normal.

I was planning to take them to the park, but then I saw my hand was bleeding a little. But it wasn't that bad, so we went to the park anyway.

When we got there we saw the guy doing tai chi (or whatever) and exercises on basketball court. And there was a guy with a nice white dog. Sort of looked like big Kimo though he wasn't completely all white. But then the guy seemed wary of us and turned back away out of the park.

We got to the volleyball court. Let them walk around some. Make them come and lie down for some chicken jerky.

Good enough. Head home.

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