Friday, May 29, 2009

runny poop again

Noticed Kimo's poop has been getting runny again, so decided to call the vet.

Took a poop sample over and it turned out he has the same thing as last time.

Anyway, he got the same meds, so I figured it's the same.

Plus he also has this digestion pill which is new.

Take half-a-pill twice a day. Gave him with the pill pocket. May need to buy more pill pockets.

[6/8/09] Kimo's poop is good now. Called vet to follow-up and the guy (vet sr.?) said if his poop is OK, then don't need to come. But later he called back after consulting and said since Kimo's problem was recurring might be better to bring another poop sample. Asked vet what Kimo has and he said Campylobactor.

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