Tuesday, May 26, 2009

nipped in the nose

Took Kimo out with Hershey. Saw small brownish dog at Makanani. I remember a few weeks back there was a friendly dog at Makanani which Kimo sniffed. But this time, they sniffed and the dog nipped Kimo in the nose. Kimo was startled and pulled back and growled a bit. But didn't go wild. Noticed a small drop of blood on nose (which is how I know he got bit).

A couple of houses down, the old brown dog which usually comes to the gate just lay down as he saw us coming. And across the street, the dogs which usually bark at us were pretty mellow this time and one of the dogs was whining liked he/she wanted to come out to us (or have us come to him).

When I got home, I hosed his nose a little and let him drink from the hose. And dabbed it with a little bactine. He's sleeping by the front door now.

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