Friday, May 22, 2009

Dogwalkers, etc.

Erin Gerwig is a go-getter, as shown by how quickly she moved up through the ranks when she worked for Voyager Submarines. Now she is running a successful business that takes care of pets for customers who typically are either away on vacation or putting in long hours at their jobs.

Mark Coleman: How long have you been running Dogwalkers etc!, and what was your inspiration for starting it?

Erin Gerwig: I started it by myself in June of 2001. The inspiration was that I was working as a boat captain for a tourist company that shut down and let all its employees go. So basically I was left without a job, but I saw it as an opportunity to create something for myself, so I could be my own boss. And, you know, I've always loved animals -- that's always totally been a part of my life. Also, dog-walking, pet-sitting was starting to catch on on the mainland -- I'm originally from the D.C. area -- but it wasn't in Hawaii, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

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