Friday, January 25, 2013

don't give your dogs celery

Tonight a woman in our training class came in with her gorgeous yellow lab and his front leg was all chewed up! I asked her what happened.

She said she came home from work one day this past week and found that her dog was frantic and had chewed up his front leg, chewed her woodwork, and even chewed holes in her walls. He had never done anything like that before and she could see he was in distress, so she rushed him to the vet.

The vet said he had a blockage in his intestines and a lot of gas had built up in front of the blockage and couldn't pass. The vet could feel the blockage but didn't know what it was. The dog had tests and x-rays and was given medicine and lots of mineral oil, plus the vet tried to manipulate some of the gas past the blockage.

The next day in the dog's stools, out came a big chunk of celery!

The woman had been cooking the day before the dog got sick and she dropped a chunk of celery on the floor. The dog started playing with the celery and she didn't expect him to eat it, so she let him play with it--and apparently he did eat it!

The vet said that celery is stringy and not easily digested by dogs. In return for this lesson, the woman got a very big vet bill!

Thank goodness that her dog is OK but he still has a chewed up leg and she has a chewed up house.

So, keep celery away from dogs!

Janet (via dwf)

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