Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cubby and Kimo

decide to take out Kimo and retrieve Cubby / Kimo no problem with Cubby

HawaiianTel guy is checking the phone line, turns out he's checking the Chungs who had static, and I told him about mine

later tells me the physical line might need to be replaced but he switched the connection so I least I get dialtone

walk them up the street then take Kimo home, Cubby goes in too
Cubby walks around and sniffs
but then comes to close to Kimo and Kimo growls and snarls and Cubby reacts back

finally they quiet down
Cubby jumps the fence to go out

go to get Fifi now
and go a couple laps with Fifi
see neighbor walking (name is Sanjeev or something means music in Hindi), car being fixed
tell him I can give him a ride

[Sat 1/19/13, posted 1/22/13]

Sunday at about 2 a.m.
hear barking
it's Kimo barking at Keith at Keith's front door (and vice-versa)
go and get him (they were both pretty excited trying to get at each other)

I see he must have gotten out on ewa side of gate
(I think Cubby pushed it open when he jumped out Sat morning)

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