Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cubby and Jojo 2 (and Kimo too)

Duane comes with Coco, so decide to walk up with him and retrieve Cubby.  Then Fifi.

Duane had to go island, so had to go back, so we walked back with him.  On the way back, Coco acted up a bit at Cubby and Cubby actually backed off a bit.

I think I went for another lap (with Kimo and Keith barking at us) and on the way back, here come Mr. and Mrs. Wong.  Turn around (near James' house) and back to the back.

Hey look who shows up?  It's Jojo (after not coming since Friday).

At first, they seemed mostly OK.  So I put the leash on Jojo.  I think Jojo maybe might have wanted to initiate play with Cubby.  Or vice-versa.  But it sure like they wanted to attack each other.  More Jojo than Cubby.  And I tried to control them with the leash.  Mr. Wong offered to take Jojo.  But then Jojo slipped out of the collar.

After things calmed down a bit, I managed to get the collar back on and it seemed OK as I walked Jojo and Cubby around a bit together.  But as we started back, they started to get wild again.

So wild that Dorothy came out of her house and offered to help.  I think she took Jojo at first, but then Jojo started acting up, so I had her take Fifi.  And we were pretty

After a while, it seemed under control and we walked back.  I took Cubby home and walked back with Dorothy still walking Fifi and we had a nice conversation.

Took back Fifi and went home with Jojo.  I unleashed Jojo near my driveway and instead of going up my steps, he went home.

Kimo seemed to want to go out and I took him out.  He pooped across the street.  WTH, let's see how he is with Cubby.  So we did the slow stroll up the street.  As we arrived, Cubby was snoozing in the garage, but then he came out as we came back.  Kimo didn't react and cautiously approached and sniffed at a little distance.  OK, let's leash up Cubby.

Kimo shied away as Cubby came close and I didn't want Kimo to get pressured too much (some would say I already pressured him too much).  So I mostly had Cubby on the short leash and kept him from getting too close to Kimo with my legs.  We made it up the street and back.  And I let Kimo loose to go home.

Let's check the results.  I went up a little way up, then back down.  No barking from Kimo, but still from Keith.  Then a little way back, then back down.  Kimo just lay down and looked at us.

We'll see how he reacts next time.

*** [1/17/13]

Today I left Kimo home and retrieved Cubby and Fifi.  Coming down the street, Kimo was lying down by the front door and didn't bark at us.  But then started to bark after Keith started to bark.

Coming back down, I brought Cubby and Fifi to the driveway.  Kimo started acting up and Cubby barked back.  But after a while they settled down and Kimo sit behind the fence a little distance away.  And I gave them some treats.

We'll see next time.

[Jojo came and left before all this.]

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