Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tuffy doesn't look good

Jojo comes around 6:30
take Kimo and Jojo out, retrieve Hershey (who just arrived)
Duane catches up to us
go back with Duane, take Kimo home
retrieve Fifi
RMAS coming out, so walk with them a bit, then the Wongs come out so walk with them
Amy unable to delete messages from Outlook Express [so visit her after the walk]
take Fifi home, take Hershey home
Jojo goes home when I go in the house

visit Tuffy, looks like he has a big wound and flies all around it (doesn’t look good)
go home and get some antibiotic to put on it
take him out for a short walk
show Amy, doesn’t look good to her either 

the next day

open door and Kimo runs in the house, after sniffing around, bring him out front

Jojo is here so take him and Jojo out when I see Duane and Coco coming / Jojo spitting up grass or something

see Kristen outside, talk with her about Tuffy, says Nalu taking him to vet today / Ben walks back with us to get his sprayer

take Kimo home and retrieve Fifi, Hershey is here

see RMAS out, walk with them a little while and then decide to go long

down Lolena, Hala, visit the old pitbull, down Hala, to Naio, up Maalaea, to Hillcrest, up Skyline, see Malia driving out,  to Puna, Hoku barks at us (but nobody responds), up Puna, Lulu has a small dog (that looks like Coco) and they both bark at us

pitbull barks at us coming down, down Skyline, pick up some broken glass, to Makanani, Jennifer waves at us

Kamalii, pick up a beer can, go on wall, beer can full of dead roaches

take Hershey home, give treats, Jojo wants to play as we leave but take them to back yard

Jojo doesn’t feel like playing, dig some nut grass, Fifi tries to get Jojo to play for a bit, but doesn’t really take

take Fifi home,

see Nalu home with Tuffy with a cone (got antibiotics, said he was his mom’s dog and they got him in 2002 when he was young, but not a puppy)

Jojo goes home w/o coming in / dig some weeds at Amy Pang’s house

[that afternoon]

take out Kimo to poop

Stanley going out to walk / retrieve Petey and walk with him / Tuffy now has a cone and a dog run

Charlie runs out on road to meet Petey / hold Petey away from Charlie, let Charlie smell his butt

go for another lap / meet Fifi from the wall, Petey growls a little and Fifi steps back

Hershey howling / sit down and try to get Hershey used to him / try treating Petey and treat when he waits (impulse control) / unsuccessful getting him to sit though

take home, Shirley comes over for treats too.  she sits for the treats

[the next day]

take Kimo out for a lap, Tuffy with cone, Fifi whines
visit Charlie on the way back (was in his doghouse and came running up the steps)
Kimo poop still soft, poops multiple times


go to feed Kimo / here comes Jojo, ok feed him too / here comes Mr. and Mrs. Wong / ma wants to go walking with them

ok take her out w/ Jojo / lady at the end of the street walking barefoot with her grandson, walk with them

ma chatting at the Wongs house

take out Kimo to pee / Reef brings out Charlie to sniff 

[3/29-31/12 - posted 4/16/13]

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