Tuesday, March 6, 2012

a rainy day

Kimo was on the front steps most of the day near the front door.

But the rain and wind got so heavy that he was cornered between the wall in the door.

I finally brought him in the house and after letting him sniff around some, I had him leashed next to me while I was at the computer. After a while, he lay down on the rug.

Later I took him back outside and there was a loud thunderclap that shook the house. He took off for the garage and went up the back steps.

He wanted to come in again, but I left him in the steps.

Then later I took him in the back.

For dinner, I gave him some warmed up frozen chicken and he gobbled it up after figuring out how to eat it. And soon his bowl was empty.

It's still kind of damp in the back. I had his dog bed that's usually in his dog house out. So I threw in the doggie towel in his house for him.

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