Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kimo sniffs Tuffy and..

Took Kimo out in the morning. Poops at Tsutsui'. Still soft.

Went up to Duane's side, but I guess they still sleeping.

So go toward the beginning of street. Tuffy comes out on the dog run. So bring Kimo over to sniff. Uh, oh. Kimo goes nuts (in full wolf-mode).

Go to the stonewall, hold Kimo's leash up so he doesn't bite me. Sit with back to Tuff who remains relatively calm with me facing Kimo still in wild wolf mode. After a while, Kimo runs out of energy and calms down, but Tuffy jumps down from the stonewall.

Nalu said Tuffy's tail was still wagging. Tell him I going grab a leash and walk him. So I walk Tuffy and Kimo together. Roy looks on and sees that now they seem OK.

At first (unlike the last time), Tuffy is forging ahead. So let him go to drain his energy. Then after a little while he comes back to the pack.

Go to end of street and back to house then partway back and back to the end. Then let Kimo go home.

WTH, walk him with Fifi too. So take him to Fifi. Take Tuffy down steps and leash Fifi up with me sitting in between.

Then take them for a couple of laps. On the second lap, they start to tire a bit and I can easily walk them on my side.

Take Tuffy home and have them sit for treats. OK, that's enough for the day.

Wait. Here's comes Duane and Coco an hour or two later. Anson invites him to see his refurbished tub. Leaves Coco in the garage. So go over to see Coco.

And WTH, walk up with them. Retrieve Tuffy. And take him for another walk, but kept it short this time.

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