Thursday, March 22, 2012

new dogs on the block (Izzy, Cubby, and Charlie)

I left Kimo in the front this morning (since he wanted to go out poop). I was going to quiet him when I heard the paper guy. But I fell asleep until he woke me by barking at the paper guy...

Jojo arrives. Harriet walking. Kimo soft growls at her as she walks past.

Then see Duane and Coco coming, so I take out Jojo and Kimo.

Notice two biggish puppies at Nalu's house. Must be new dogs. [Izzy and Cubby, I find out later]

Decide to retrieve Fifi and walk back.

Duane lets Coco go, so I let Fifi and Jojo go. And there they go. They run behind Melinda's house. After a while, Jojo comes back up. And Duane goes down to see where they are. And here comes Fifi.

Take Kimo home, but he wants treat at Hershey's house, so treat them there, then take Kimo home. Walk Fifi a little more and take her home.

Eat my oatmeal, then give Kimo and Jojo some food. After that Jojo goes home.

Anson sees me outside and calls me over. Says it looks like Jojo is peeing in the garage. "Not good." Well, not much you can do with a loose dog. You have to catch him in the act when you see him. Or call the humane society. Tell him he lives over the next street and just jumps over the wall.

That afternoon, I see the granddaughter with their new dog (Charlie). Kimo sees him and starts to react slightly. So I take him out. As I walk by, they both bark at each other. The son brings out the dog who comes out to sniff. And Kimo sniffs back. I was worried that Kimo might lunge while he was being sniffed but he didn't.

See Stanley and Sam walking. And Cheryl's mom walking with the aide. So I go up there and chat a little. Coco is out by the gate but doesn't bark at us. And after a while, Musubi comes over and lies down by me. So I rub his belly.

Then I go over to the garage and chat a little. Then walk a little.

Then walk with Stanley for a lap. Kimo makes some soft poop, so I think he's still a little sick though his eyes look better.

Then Duane comes down with Coco. He meets Charlie. But I think I hear Coco growling.

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