Monday, September 28, 2009

Kimo gets a bath

I was tired of seeing Kimo so brown every day. And no sign of Donna giving him a bath.

So I decided late in the afternoon to do it.

Last time, I carried him to the basin and the bath wasn't very successful because the basin is too small for him now and I missed a lot of spots. But mainly the faucet can't easily reach to all of his body.

So this time I took him to the driveway and brought out the hose. It went fairly well. He didn't struggle or fuss much, but I had my hand on his collar most of the time just in case. And it was much easier for the water to reach his body using the hose (instead of trying to splash with my hand).

There's still some tinges of brown on the coat here and there. And his tail is still pretty brown. But it's not too bad as the majority of his fur is now sort of white again.

[Sat 9/26, posted 9/28]

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