Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Koa joins our walk

RMAS comes in the morning and Kimo runs back and forth. Ran in his house.

Finally leash him and I take him out. Barks at bird on phone line. Wait until calms then follow. Seems OK on walk and didn't seem bothered walking somewhat close to Miki (but not too close).

Home. Gerald brings Hershey. Take them out. Koa is loose on the road. Comes to me to be petted then runs up the road. Go up road. See gate ajar. Wonder if Koa did it. Try to lure him in, but no luck. Finally go into garage and get leash and get him to come and leash him.

Then WTH take him for walk. He was pulling but I was in no mood to force him to walk next to me. Went down by Fong's storm drain. Pat was out and was chatting with her. With Keith at window. Ears were out, but no barking (or at least he stopped). Even when I went a little further up and sat by Iha curb.


Afternoon walk. Talk to Stanley about hi-def. Kimo acts up at unseen Petey? Then lies down. Walk pass guy working on car by Amy's house. Growls.

OK, he still has a few issues.

[Tue 10/13, posted 10/14]

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