Saturday, September 5, 2009

bonus walk

Finally was thinking of getting rid of the Pedigree dog food, but I saw I could just unzip the zip lock and it opened and tried a little on Kimo. And he ate it. I think it might be similar to the food that Koa eats. And Kimo eats if he's over there and there's food in Koa's bowl.

Anyway, I took out Kimo and saw Ann out with mochi & fifi. And Paco was out too. So I proceeded forward to Paco. And Kimo went over to sniff and Paco lay down. On to Mochi & Fifi. I don't think Kimo went over to sniff, but he seemed OK being in their vicinity.

So we walked with them to the back of the street. Or they walked with us since they rarely come down to our side of the street.

Then after AMF went home, I went to the beginning of the street and saw RMAS come out. So we went walking with them too. I'm still not bringing him too close to Miki and lag more with Amy and Shammy. He seemed OK, except the out-of-tune truck came down and he acted up at the truck revving.

[Sat 9/5, posted 9/7]

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